五年級英語作文 篇1
People say: the "landscape jiatianxia guilin". But I think it is: "18 primary school of guilin". Because, in my heart, that is sending out the campus of laughter is second to none.
Enter the campus, eyes will stand a low wall clean and neat. Low wall is divided into three fan, the middle fan is red, is white, next to the middle all have many fine fine long crack, I can squeeze in the past, but a little fat. The two walls are painted with the sea and sea gull, the only difference is the fan on the wall to the right more than half just wake up the sun. Among the writing on the wall "hard work, good, honest, enterprising" eight characters, there are a row of plants.
Go to the right, to the pleasure garden. There is air castle, in the above, we can slide, swing (in school uniform, boys like to take one or two bundles of rope, uniform bound in a high iron, just make a swing), and other physical activities, can also do all kinds of, grabbed a variety of games. And ng, magnolia, etc all kinds of trees in the school. I like the white yulan, send out the fragrance of the flowers make people relaxed and happy.
Ah! This beautiful campus, this charactizing a fine spring day in the campus, accompany me this several years of campus!
五年級英語作文 篇2
雖然這學期上對我們很嚴格,但是她也有能讓我們快樂的學習方式。這些都是我們班的英語成績大大提高,而她就是我們班的英語老師——田老師。 現在我們上英語課已經不會有不專心的學生了。但是,過去有,而且有好多“熱愛祖國語言人士”根本就不學英語。現在這些“人士”,根本就不敢在英語課上“熱愛祖國語言”了。如果人士們要一意孤行,那是要付出代價的。 上課的鈴聲一響,英語老師的神情就與平常時判若兩人,她的眼神馬上就變成了利劍。老師如炬的目光像探照燈一樣,掃視著每一個角落。同學們的小動作在這樣的目光里無處遁形。如某處有風吹草動,英語老師會用犀利的目光緊緊的盯著。隨后,一聲霹靂似的批評,會讓分心的同學認真起來。接著,那倒霉的孩子就會乖乖的捧著課本,站到講臺前。更重要的是下課以后,那倒霉的孩子還要忍受英語老師長篇的思想教育。 幾個回合的較量,我們班級里的所有抱有某種幻想的頑皮男都--敗下陣來。過去曾耀武揚威的風云人物在英語課上統統變成了溫順的綿羊。雖然他們在背地里有過種種密謀,但是一到了英語老師的面前立刻就變成了乖孩子。 如今,田老師已經成為了我們學習生活中不可或缺的人物,就是在教授讓我們受益匪淺。她每天都有認真的工作態度,詳細的工作計劃,優秀的工作能力。
五年級英語作文 篇3
I am a 10 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, math and English. It is not good enough, I am also proud of being an elder brother.
That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, “Are you sure you can?” “ Yes ,believe me I can.” I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother. “ Oh baby, don’t cry. I will sing a song for you…” I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself.
五年級英語作文 篇4
In grade one, I met a new friend, xiao Ming.
His hair is not long not short, short. His round face, big eyes, a small nose. Looks not bad!
The summer holiday, I and xiao Ming go to the park to play. We happily juggle walked. Xiaoming suddenly stopped walking. I don't know what's the matter, asked him. He pointed to the bin said: "look, the earth is full of garbage, let's pick it up!" I reluctantly said: "it's none of your business! Don't you throw". He said: "the teacher told us to protect the environment, you forget?" I have to say: "ok". But we began to pick up I'm tired. I'll go to buy food, for a while go to the toilet, it took a long time I don't go back, I didn't past xiao Ming picked up the trash out. An uncle saw pointing to xiao Ming said: "this child is really good!" Listen to my uncle I know I made a mistake. I think: I must learn from xiao Ming, and he became best friends.
From then on I and xiao Ming really became best friends.
五年級英語作文 篇5
No one has seen the wind. Yet I can feel it at work all the time. It is never quiet just like human feelings. The most peaceful wind is the breeze. When it is windier, it does not mean rest but a storm approaching.
In hot summer, I like to sit where it is windy and cool. The breeze softly touches my face. When autumn comes the wind gains in momentum. Sometimes the wind is naughty and keeps beating on the window and turning over the pages of my book. The wind seems to be in the worst mood in winter. She blows people‘s hats off. Who says the wind is emnotionless? I can hear her laughter and soft sighs even in spring.
Yet no matter how freezing cold or scorching hot or wild angry or extremely happy the wind can he, there seems to be an end to it. But the wind is not willing to be tamed. Maybe just beeause of this the universe keeps it in such tight control.
五年級英語作文 篇6
Deng Xiaozhong
Summer arrived, I with respect to too impatient to wait eat ice cream and travel, bathe cold water. Summer is very hot, I do not eat 10 ice cream one day to be able to be heated up dead by summer. Our teacher takes stone to give us today, we do 9 idiom. I and yellow Xin eaves, Li Yan a group, I and yellow Xin eaves did a lot of idiom, li Yan was done very few, we a group finish the first times 9 idiom, I am very happy today, I like summer.
Judge: The language is clear and coherent.
五年級英語作文 篇7
三年級的一次下午,第一節是英語課。我們歡呼了起來,我記的老師每來一次都要聽寫上一節課的內容 我想了想。想出一個好辦法是作弊了。我先拿一個英語本和一個英語書。就開始抄寫上一節課學的單詞抄寫一遍。快要上課了,我正好寫完所學的上一節課的所有內容。
上課了,英語老師進了班說:“給你們5分鐘的時間復習上一節課 所有內容,5分鐘后準備聽寫上一節的內容。”5分鐘后,我們撒一張英語紙,而我拿的是一張我抄寫完的上一節課的內容。老師說一個我們寫一個而我在看漫畫書,而我注意到我的同桌劉佳頤正在念英語分開的單詞,直到她寫完為止。我感到非常后悔。該叫聽寫紙了,我把剛作弊的紙給了老師。我又問了劉佳頤,但她說是我一個個背下來了,我問她:聽寫了嗎?她說:是一個個背出來寫的,class是班的意思,我就把class分成c.l.a.s.s。
五年級英語作文 篇8
It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag. Why? Because the national flag is the symbol of a country. To respect it means to respect the country. In other words, if a man loves his country, he mus...
五年級英語作文 篇9
五年級英語作文 篇10
Water is important,not only to the human beings,but also to all the creatures.We dare say all of the lives cannot survive without water.What makes us more and more worried is that water on our planet is becoming less and less.Besides,we have to be faced with the water pollution. It is really a big problem. In order to live on this planet,we human beings should deal with the problem seriously. Everyone should do his best to save and protect water source.