The time flies, since had not thought such quickly I have welcomed own always first summer vacation, in the first university's summer vacation, is similar in each domain first all is perfect,I certainly similarly hoped own first university summer can cross has the significance, the enrichment,also is richly colorful, is as though the first computer to be born, although is unable with the now product to compare spells,actually is the product which the human wisdom crystallizes, has brought the development hope for the contemporary person; Is as though "Origin of species" being published, brings for its entire domain in experts not at all merely is for a while shocking; Is as though when the humanity first time visits Moon, to it fills the expectation the anticipation... ... Will have the anticipation to the future surely to be able to have the plan, will have to want to let oneself be able to have the harvest in the free space, does not idle submerges, formulates the reasonable plan is the very good one method. However plans cannot catch up with the change, therefore I have formulated four kind of feasible plans for own summer life, I believed, so long as is earnest prepares, in the condition permission situation, at least also can enable plan to realize.
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