Luxury, 意思是奢侈。
luxury brand 奢侈品牌,luxury hotel豪華酒店。2012年北京國際車展開幕, "Global luxury auto makers are piling in to tap the Chinese market," 全球各地的豪華車品牌爭先恐后來開發中國市常
"Most affluent consumers are downloading luxury brands' apps and using them to find information on products and services," 大部分富裕的'消費者會下載專門為奢侈品設計的移動設備應用程序,以尋找產品及服務信息。luxury還可以翻譯成“不易獲得的能力”,比如, "This travel plan gives you the luxury of choosing which countries you want to visit," 這個旅行計劃讓你能自己挑選想去觀光的國家。