- 相關推薦
1、A single flower does not make a spring.一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園。
2、A years plan starts with spring.一年之計在于春。
3、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。
4、if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?
5、It is the freshneof the deep spring of life.青春是生命的深泉在涌流。
6、Spring clean your office—out with the piles of paper; in with a pretty vase for flowers and a new framed photo of you and your family.春天來了,將自己的辦公桌收拾干凈吧,扔掉沒用的廢紙,換上新鮮的花兒,擺上一張最近的全家福。
7、立春天氣晴,百事好收成Spring, the weather is sunny, Pepsi good harvest
8、立春晴,雨水均The beginning of spring rain, rainwater
9、立春晴一日,耕田不費力The beginning of spring sunny day, and effortless
10、立春之日雨淋淋,陰陰濕濕到清明The beginning of spring, rain, cloudy and wet to the tomb
11、雨淋春牛頭,七七四十九天愁。The rain spring Ngau Tau, seven seven forty-nine days of sorrow.
12、水淋春牛頭,農夫百日憂The water spring, the hundred days of sorrow
13、In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing ... sweet lovers love the spring. 在春天,在最美麗的結婚季節,鳥兒唱著...甜蜜的戀人喜歡春天。
14、Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. 所謂春天,就是即使鞋子灌滿泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。
15、Spring is when lifes alive in everything. 春天是萬物復蘇的時節。
16、An optimist is the human personification of spring. 樂觀主義者是春天的化身。
17、Spring is natures way of saying, Lets party! 春天代表自然發話了:“嗨起來吧!”
18、Spring -- an experience in immortality. 春天是一種永生的經歷。
19、You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.你能砍掉所有的鮮花,但你不能阻止春天的到來。
20、April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. 四月將勃勃生機注入萬物。
21、Spring warms the earth and all things grow.(春回大地,萬物生長。)
22、April showers bring May flowers.(四月雨帶來五月花。)
23、In spring, every leaf is a flower.(在春天,每一片葉子都是一朵花。)
24、Spring is natures way of saying, Lets party!(春天是大自然在說:“讓我們狂歡吧!”)
25、The spring breeze is like a mothers hand, touching your face gently.(春風像母親的手,輕輕撫摸你的臉。)
26、Spring flowers are the jewels of the season.(春花是這個季節的珍寶。)
27、One swallow does not make a spring.(一燕不成春。)
28、Springs colorful brush paints the world.(春天多彩的畫筆描繪著世界。)
29、Spring is a time of hope and renewal.(春天是希望和新生的時節。)
30、The fragrance of spring flowers fills the air.(春花的芬芳彌漫在空氣中。)
31、Springs beauty lies in its newness.(春天之美在于其新生。)
32、The spring sun shines with the promise of growth.(春天的太陽閃耀著成長的希望之光。)
33、Spring rain is the messenger of life.(春雨是生命的使者。)
34、Spring is a season of sweet melodies as birds sing.(春天是鳥兒歌唱、旋律甜美的季節。)
35、Spring unfolds the beauty of the land like a scroll.(春天像展開畫卷一樣展現大地之美。)
36、The grass in spring is as soft as a green carpet.(春天的草像綠色的地毯一樣柔軟。)
37、Springs gentle rain awakens the sleeping seeds.(春天的細雨喚醒沉睡的種子。)
38、Springtime is a celebration of lifes return.(春天是對生命回歸的慶祝。)
39、The beauty of spring is a sight to behold.(春天之美是值得一看的景象。)
40、Spring makes the world look young again.(春天讓世界再次煥發出年輕的光彩。)
41、Spring is a time when dreams take root.(春天是夢想扎根的時候。)
42、The spring breeze whispers the secrets of the season.(春風低聲訴說著這個季節的秘密。)
43、Springs embrace is warm and inviting.(春天的懷抱溫暖而誘人。)
44、Spring is the key that unlocks natures beauty.(春天是開啟大自然之美的鑰匙。)
45、The spring air is fresh and full of vitality.(春天的空氣清新且充滿活力。)
46、Spring is a symphony of colors and sounds.(春天是色彩與聲音的交響曲。)
47、Springs magic touch turns the earth green.(春天神奇的觸碰讓大地變綠。)
48、Spring warms the earth and all things revive.(春回大地,萬物復蘇。)
49、The spring breeze is like scissors, cutting out the fine willows.(春風如剪刀,裁出細柳。)
50、Spring rain is as precious as oil.(春雨貴如油。)
51、In spring, every day counts.(春天里,每一天都很重要。)
52、The flowers in spring are the jewels of the season.(春天的花朵是這個季節的珍寶。)
53、Spring makes the world young again.(春天讓世界重煥生機。)
54、The fragrance of spring flowers fills the air.(春天花朵的芬芳彌漫在空氣中。)
55、Spring is the messenger of hope.(春天是希望的使者。)
56、Spring sun shines brightly, melting the winter cold.(春天的太陽明亮地照耀,融化冬日的寒冷。)
57、Springs greenery is the color of life.(春天的綠色是生命的顏色。)
58、The spring rain nourishes the earth like a mother.(春雨像母親一樣滋養大地。)
59、In spring, the river runs faster with new energy.(春天,河流帶著新的活力流得更快。)
60、Springs beauty is painted with a thousand colors.(春天之美是用千萬種顏色描繪而成的。)