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- 勵(lì)志英語名言 推薦度:
- 暑假英語作文 推薦度:
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1、 Bad news has wings.
2、 Barking dogs seldom bite.
3、 Beauty lies in the love‘s eyes.
4、 Be swift to hear, slow to speak.
5、 Better late than never.
6、 Better to ask the way than go astray.
7、 Between friends all is common.
8、 Birds of a feather flock together.
9、 Blood is thicker than water.
10、 Blood will have blood.
11、 Books and friends should be few but good.
12、 Business is business.
13、 Business is the salt of life.
14、 By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.
15、 Cannot see the wood for the trees.
16、 Care and diligence bring luck.
17、 Caution is the parent of safety.
18、 Cheats never prosper.
19、 Children are what the mothers are.
20、 Choose an author as you choose a friend.
21、 Come what may, heaven won‘t fall.
22、 Complacency is the enemy of study.
23、 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.
24、 Constant dripping wears away a stone.
25、 Content is better than riches.
26、 Count one‘s chickens before they are hatched.
27、 Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.
28、 Creep before you walk.
29、 Cry for the moon.
30、 Custom is a second nature.
31、 Custom makes all things easy.
32、Diamond cuts diamond.
33、 Do as the Romans do.
34、 Do as you would be done by.
35、 Doing is better than saying.
36、 Do it now.
37、 Do nothing by halves.
38、 Don‘t claim to know what you don‘t know.
39、 Don‘t have too many irons in the fire.
40、 Don‘t make a mountain out of a molehill.
41、 Don‘t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
42、 Don‘t put the cart before the horse.
43、 Don‘t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
44、 Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
45、 Do well and have well.
1.愛屋及烏 Love me,love my dog.
2.百聞不如一見 Seeing is believing.
3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some,better off than many; to fall short of the best,but be better than the worst.
4.笨鳥先飛 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
5.不眠之夜 white night
6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains,not saddened by personnal losses
7.不遺余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best
8.不打不成交 No discord,no concord.
9.拆東墻補(bǔ)西墻 rob Peter to pay Paul
10.辭舊迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
12.大開眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener
13.國泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace
14.過猶不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little
15.功夫不負(fù)有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.
16.好了傷疤忘了疼 once on shore,one prays no more
17.好事不出門惡事傳千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news spread far and wide.
18.和氣生財(cái) Harmony brings wealth.
19.活到老學(xué)到老 One is never too old to learn.
20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones
21.金無足赤人無完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.
22.金玉滿堂 Treasures fill the home.
23.腳踏實(shí)地 be down-to-earth
24.腳踩兩只船 sit on the fence
25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green
26.老生常談陳詞濫調(diào) cut and dried,cliché
27.禮尚往來 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
28.留得青山在不怕沒柴燒 Where there is life,there is hope.
29.馬到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success
30.名利雙收 gain in both fame and wealth
31.茅塞頓開 be suddenly enlightened
32.沒有規(guī)矩不成方圓 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.33.每逢佳節(jié)倍思親 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
34.謀事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man,the outcome with Heaven.Man proposes,God disposes.
35.弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself
36.拿手好戲 masterpiece
37.賠了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad
38.拋磚引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale
39.破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end
40.搶得先機(jī) take the preemptive opportunities
41.巧婦難為無米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist.One can't make bricks without straw.
42.千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step
43.前事不忘后事之師 Past experience,if not forgotten,is a guide for the future.
44.前人栽樹后人乘涼 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.One sows and another reaps.
45.前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something
46.強(qiáng)龍難壓地頭蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
47.強(qiáng)強(qiáng)聯(lián)手 win-win co-operation
48.瑞雪兆豐年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
49.人之初性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.
50.人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.
A bird may be known by its song. 什么鳥唱什么歌。
A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 略有勝于全無。
A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井觀天。
A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 秋波送盲,白費(fèi)癡情。
A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好書今天如此,將來也如此,永不改變。
A book that remains shut is but a block. 有書閉卷不閱讀,無異是一塊木頭。
A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借來的斗篷不暖身。
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚愛益切,離別情更深。
A burden of one's choice is not felt. 自己選的擔(dān)子不嫌重。
A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。
A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蠟燭焚自身,光亮照別人。
A cat may look at a king. 貓也有權(quán)晉見國王。
A cat has nine lives. 貓有九條命。
Accidents will happen. 天有不測(cè)風(fēng)云。
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 鏈條的堅(jiān)固程度取決于它最薄弱的環(huán)節(jié)。
A change of work is as good as a rest. 調(diào)換一下工作是很好的休息。
A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 快樂的妻子是生活的樂事。
A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。
A clear conscience is a soft pillow. 問心無愧,高枕無憂。
A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,勝券在握。
A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 白日不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。
ke a beast who has done no good while he lived. 生時(shí)不做好事,死了像個(gè)畜生。
He gives twice that gives in a trice. 即刻就給予,等于給兩次。
He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 愚笨人不會(huì)發(fā)怒,聰明人不愿發(fā)怒。
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 背后說人好話的夠朋友。
He is a good man whom fortune makes better. 好人走運(yùn)人更好。
He is a wise man who speaks little. 聰明的人話不多。
He is lifeless that is faultless. 人孰無過。
He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts. 思想崇高者,絕不會(huì)孤獨(dú)。
He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion. 不能偶而裝瘋賣傻,就不是一個(gè)聰明人。
He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. 正人先正己。
He is rich enough who has true friends. 有真朋友的人是富翁。
He is rich enough who owes nothing. 無債就是富。
He is the wise man who is the honest man. 誠實(shí)的人就是聰明的人。
He is the wisest man who does not think himself so. 不自以為聰明的人是最聰明的人。
He is truly happy who makes others happy. 真正幸福的是使人幸福的人。
He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune. 不能承受不幸的就是不幸。
He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. 為己而生,生而可恥。
He is wise that hath wit enough for his own affairs. 聰明的人有足夠的才智處理自己的事情。
He is wise that is honest. 誠實(shí)者明智。
He is wise that knows when he's well enough. 知足的人是聰明的人。
He jests at scars, that never felt a wound. 富人不知窮人苦。
He knocks boldly at the door who brings good news. 彼叩門聲響,必來報(bào)佳音。
He knows best what good is that has endured evil. 忍過痛受過苦,最知幸福是何物。
He knows enough that can live and hold his peace. 見多識(shí)廣者沈默寡言。
He knows most who speaks least. 大智者寡于言。
He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. 懂得緘默的是明白人。
He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑在最后,誰笑得最好。
He lives long that lives well. 活得好等于活得長(zhǎng)。
He lives twice who lives well. 生活得好的等于生活了兩次。
He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter. 一個(gè)既不用借債又不用奉承人的人,可以稱得上心滿意足。
He most lives who lives most for others. 活著對(duì)別人貢獻(xiàn)最多的人,活得最有意義。
He must needs go whom the devil drives. 勢(shì)在必行。
He must needs swim that is held up by the chin. 身不由己,只得從命。
He preaches best who lives best. 言教不如身教。
He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims ignorance. 夸耀知識(shí)實(shí)乃無知。
He that cannot ask cannot live. 不會(huì)求者不會(huì)生。
He that climbs high falls heavily. 爬得高,跌得重。
He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. 做賊心虛。
He that converses not knows nothing. 不和人交談的人一無所知。
He that deceives me once, shame fall him, if he deceives me twice, shame fall me. 受騙一次,別人可恥;受騙二次,自己該死。
He that doth lend, doth lose his friend. 失友都因借錢起。
He that doth most at once doth least. 想一次做完什么事,結(jié)果一件也做不完。
He that doth what he will doth not what he ought. 為其所欲為者不為其所當(dāng)為。
He that falls today may be up again tomorrow. 今天跌倒的人也許明天會(huì)站起來。
He that fears death lives not. 怕死者活不了。
He that fears every bush must never go a-birding. 疑神疑鬼,絕無收獲。
He that fears you present, will hate you absent. 當(dāng)面怕你的人背后會(huì)恨你。
He that gains time gains all things. 獲得時(shí)間就是獲得一切。
He that gains well and spends well needs no account book. 收支正當(dāng),無須記帳。
He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 忍渴上床,起身健康。
He that has a full purse never wants a friend. 只要袋里有,不愁沒朋友。
He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. 做賊心虛。
He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 遇事多問,隨處可行。
He that has a wife has a master. 娶了妻娶了個(gè)主人。
He that has no children knows not what is love. 沒有孩子的人,不懂什么叫愛。
He that hath time hath life. 有時(shí)間,就有生活。
He that is angry is seldom at ease. 怒者寡寧。
He that is full of himself is very empty. 自滿的人是很空虛的。
He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. 不知自愛的人也不會(huì)愛別人。
He that is master must serve. 主人必須會(huì)服務(wù)。
He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. 能主宰自己的人不久就可以主宰別人。
He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk. 不知緘口的不善言。
He that knows nothing, doubts nothing. 無知就無疑。
He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
He that lives long suffers much. 長(zhǎng)壽的人多憂患。
He that lives well is learned enough. 生活好者,博學(xué)多才。
He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly. 生而缺德,死必寡誠。
He that marries for wealth sells his liberty. 為財(cái)富而結(jié)婚就是出賣自由。
He that never climbed never fell. 不向上爬的也不會(huì)下跌。
He that never rode never fell. 不騎馬就永不會(huì)從馬上跌下。
He that once deceived is never suspected. 一次行詐騙,永遠(yuǎn)遇疑嫌。
He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. 以德報(bào)怨的人得到勝利。
He that runs fastest gets the ring. 捷足先登。
He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages. 求財(cái)而供神者必倍求而敬鬼。
He that spares the bad injures the good. 饒恕壞人便是傷害好人。
He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon. 與惡人交往,須特別提防。
He that talks much erre much. 言多必失。
He that talks much lies much. 多嘴的人說謊也多。
He that travels far knows much. 見多識(shí)廣。
He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth. 相信謊話的人必將在真理前滅亡。
He that walks with wise men should be wise. 與智者行即得其智。
He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell. 欲所得,必先勞。
He that will have his farm full, must keep an old cock and a young bull. 要使農(nóng)家富又足,必須養(yǎng)雞又養(yǎng)牛。
He that will lie will steal. 說謊者必行竊。
He that will not work shall not eat. 不工作者不得食。
He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. 會(huì)偷蛋的,也會(huì)偷牛。
He that will swear will lie. 賭咒的人是說謊的人。
He that will take the bird must not scare it. 欲捉鳥莫驚鳥。
He that will thrive must rise at five. 五更起床,百事興旺。
He that would command must serve. 欲做先生,先做學(xué)生。
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. 不勞無獲。
He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens. 欲圖逸,得先勞。
He that would know what shall be must consider what has been. 欲知未然,須思已然。
He that would live in peace and rest must hear and see, and say the best. 要想太太平平,生活安定,必須耳聰目明,善言動(dòng)聽。
He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin. 欲得女兒歡,先遂其母意。
He warms too near that burns. 取暖太近火,會(huì)被火灼傷。
He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. 避誘惑,免罪惡。
He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward. 當(dāng)面責(zé)人是英雄,背后中傷是懦夫。
He who buys what he does not need will often need what he cannot buy. 平時(shí)隨便買,需時(shí)無錢買。
He who cannot hold his peace will never live at ease. 嘴巴不緊,生活不寧。
He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow. 能忍一時(shí)氣,可免一日優(yōu)。
He who despises small things seldom grows rich. 小錢不計(jì),大錢不聚。
He who does no good, does evil enough. 好事不做,壞事做絕。
He who does not advance falls backward. 不進(jìn)則退。
He who does not gain loses. 無所得即有所失。
He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself. 人不貴妻,自我丟臉。
He who does not rise early never does a good day's work. 起身不早,一天的工作難做好。
He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat. 怕吃敗仗的就要打敗仗。
He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. 怕吃苦頭的反因怕而吃苦頭。
He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither. 追逐兩只兔,兩頭都落空。
He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung. 與惡人交往而講仁義,必受其害。
He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. 欲加之罪,何患無辭。
He who has done ill once will do it again. 干了一次壞事的人會(huì)再干第二次。
He who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, everything. 身體好就有希望,有希望就有一切。
He who has lost his good name is a dead man among the living. 喪失好名譽(yù),猶如活死人。
He who has lost shame is lost to all virtue. 沒有廉恥心,沒有好德行。
He who has no shame has no conscience. 沒有廉恥的人,沒有良心。
He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is. 不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜。
He who hesitates is lost. 舉棋不定,坐失良機(jī)。
He who imagines that he has knowledge enough has none. 自以為學(xué)識(shí)豐富的人是沒有什么學(xué)問的人。
He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. 害怕問者恥于學(xué)。
He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. 恥于問者恥于學(xué)。
He who is born a fool is never cured. 生成的傻子總是治不好的。
He who knows most speaks least. 懂得多的說得少。
He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. 正人先正己。
He who likes borrowing dislikes paying. 愛借錢者不愛還錢。
He who lives by hope will die by hunger. 靠希望生活的人將饑餓而死。
He who lives in glass house should not throw stones. 正人先正己。
He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 經(jīng)常訴苦抱怨,難以博得同情。
He who makes himself a dove is eaten by the hawk. 弱肉強(qiáng)食。
He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. 不犯錯(cuò)誤,成不了事。
He who never was sick dics the first. 永不生病的人往往一病致命。
He who overcomes his anger subdues his greatest enemy. 克制火氣就是克制強(qiáng)敵。
He who plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者必自焚。
He who pleased everybody died before he was born. 眾口難調(diào)。
He who purposes to be an author, should first be a student. 想當(dāng)作家,相當(dāng)學(xué)生。
He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 受惠不忘,施恩不記。
He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 騎虎者難下。
He who risks nothing, gains nothing. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like. 歡喜說他歡喜的話者將要聽到他不歡喜的話。
He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. 看破生死者,大多會(huì)成功。
He who shareth honey with the bear hath the least part of it. 與熊分蜜糖,得不到多少。
He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 講禮貌的得友情,好心腸的得感情。
He who spends more than he should, shall not have to spare when he would. 不該花的亂花,要花時(shí)沒有花。
He who stands alone has no power. 孤掌難鳴。
He who touches pitch will be difiled. 近墨者黑
He who wants a mule without fault, must walk on foot. 如要騾子無缺點(diǎn),只有自己徒步行。
He who wills success is half way to it. 下定決心成功的人是成功了一半。
He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet. 欲擒龍王,就得下海。
He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 爬梯必須從底層開始。
He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). 欲尋珍珠,須潛水下。
He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save. 不懂掙錢和積財(cái),只能永遠(yuǎn)當(dāng)奴才。
He works best who knows his trade. 內(nèi)行的人做他的事一定會(huì)做得最好。
Hide nothing from thy physician. 切莫諱疾忌醫(yī)。
Hide one's talents in a napkin. 埋沒自己的才能。
His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. 嘴不凈者心不純。
History repeats itself. 歷史本身常重演。
Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 隨機(jī)應(yīng)變。
Hold fast when you have it. 緊握你手中之物。
Hold (or Run) with the hare and run (or hunt) with the hounds. 兩面討好。
Home is home, though never so homely. 不如歸去。
Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all. 誠實(shí)的人馬上結(jié)婚,聰明的人就不這樣。
Honesty is the best policy. 誠實(shí)是上策。
Honesty may be dear bought, but can never be an ill penny-worth. 出高價(jià)買來的誠實(shí),不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)沒有價(jià)值。
Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂會(huì)螫人。
Honour and profit lie not in one sack. 榮譽(yù)和利益不能并存。
Honours change manners. 榮譽(yù)能改變?nèi)说亩Y貌。
Honour to whom honour is due. 榮譽(yù)歸于應(yīng)得榮譽(yù)的人。
Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 希望遲遲未實(shí)現(xiàn),使人心煩意撩亂。
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 作最好的希望,作最壞的打算。
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 希望是美味的早點(diǎn),但又是難咽的晚餐。
Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 希望是清醒者的夢(mèng)想。
Hope is life and life is hope. 希望才有人生,人生要有希望。
Hope often deludes the foolish man. 希望常欺愚笨漢。
Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). 希望會(huì)產(chǎn)生,永遠(yuǎn)無窮盡。
How shall I do to love? Believe. How shall I do to believe? Love. 怎樣對(duì)待愛情?要相信。怎樣才能相信?要有愛情。
Human pride is human weakness. 驕傲是人類的弱點(diǎn)。
Humility is the foundation of all virtue. 謙遜是一切美德的基礎(chǔ)。
Humility often gains more than pride. 謙遜往往比驕傲受益更多。
Hunger breaks stone wall. 饑餓不饒人。
Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods. 饑餓引狼出森林。
Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. 饑不擇食。
Hunger is the best sauce. 饑者口中盡佳肴。
Hunger knows no friend. 饑難周友。
Hunger will relish the plainest fare. 饑不擇食。
Hungry belies have no ears. 饑寒起盜心。
Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 饑不擇食。
I am cought between the devil and the deep blue sea. 進(jìn)退維谷。
I am not a slave, I am not a captive, and by energy I can overcome the greater obstacles. 我不是奴隸,也不是俘虜,我有力量可以克服更大的艱難險(xiǎn)阻。
I am not now that which I have been. (I am not what I used to be.) 今日之我已非昔日之我。
I am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men. 我不僅要使自己有才智,而且也要使別人有才智。
I believe the first test of truly great man is his humility. 一個(gè)真正偉大的人,對(duì)他的第一個(gè)考驗(yàn)就是看他是否謙遜。
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. 我不能既是你的朋友,而又對(duì)你阿諛奉承。
I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remem-bering my good friends. 我認(rèn)為,只有在腦海中想起好朋友時(shí)我才會(huì)那樣快樂。
Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 理想好像星星,不能摘到,但我們猶如水手,可借它指引航向。
Idle folks have most labour. 懶漢總嫌活太多。
Idle folks lack no excuses. 懶漢辯解,何患無詞。
Idleness is the key of beggary, and the root of all evil. 懶惰是行乞的敲門磚,是萬惡的根源。
Idleness is the root (or mother) of all evil (or sin or vice). 懶惰是萬惡之源。
Idleness is the rust of the mind. 懶惰使腦子生銹。
Idleness rusts the mind. 懶惰使人的頭腦遲鈍。
Idle young, needy old. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。
If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him. 傻瓜惹著你,你別跟他纏。
If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 如果倒空錢袋,裝入腦袋,那就無人能夠把錢奪走。
If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 如果以肯定開始,必將以懷疑告終;如果愿以懷疑開始,必將以肯定告終。
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 初試不成功,努力勿懈怠。
If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 如果醫(yī)藥不能幫助,那么注意三件事∶休息,愉快,飲食調(diào)和。
If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 眾擎易舉。
I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts. 敵人獻(xiàn)禮品,千萬莫輕信。
If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 注意好品行,自有美名聲。
If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it. (If it is not broken, do not fix it.) 不正確的事不做,不真實(shí)的話不說。
If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 人是靠希望活著的。
If matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. 重要的并不在于一個(gè)人怎樣死,而是在于他怎樣生。
If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master. 不做金錢的主人,就會(huì)做金錢的奴隸。
If nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault. 如果沒有人愛你,肯定是你自己有問題。
If one desires to succeed in anything, he must pay the price. 如果想做成點(diǎn)事,就得付出代價(jià)一干。
If the beard were all, the goat might preach. 如果有了需就什么都行,那么山羊也可以說教了。
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 問道于盲,無益于事。
If the counsel be good no matter who gave it. 只要忠告中肯,誰提都行。
If the eye do no admire, the heart will not desire. 眼不饞,心不貪。
If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. 如果老狗叫,他是給忠告。
If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 丸藥不苦不會(huì)加糖衣。
If there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain. 雨雪不調(diào),五谷價(jià)高。
If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜。
If the sky fll (or falls), we shall catch larks. 異想天開
If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be ture. 若有人稱贊你,要自問對(duì)不對(duì)。
If things were to be done twice all would be wise. 事事倘能做兩次,人人都可稱明智。
If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind. 兩人同騎一馬,必有一人在后。
If we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him. 如果我們決定寬恕一個(gè)敵人,但決不能相信他。
If we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get. 隨遇而安。
If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 智者干傻事,愚蠢到極點(diǎn)。
If wishes were horses, beggars might ride. 愿望不等于事實(shí)。
If you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow. 得寸進(jìn)尺。
If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you. 運(yùn)氣太好,得意忘形;運(yùn)氣太壞,無人理會(huì)。
If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 如果不健康而能強(qiáng)強(qiáng)壯壯,那么無美德也可快快樂樂。
If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 不能打仗,切莫出兵。
If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. 如果你不能有最好的,你就充分利用你現(xiàn)有的吧。
If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. 倘君指揮有方,人人欣然聽命。
If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 施恩勿記,受恩勿忘。
If you dance you must pay the fiddler. 要想尋歡作樂,代價(jià)非付不可。
If you don't aim high you will never hit high. 不立大志,難攀高峰。
If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist. 巧婦難為無米之炊。
If you lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old. 年青時(shí)躺在玫瑰上,老年時(shí)就會(huì)躺在荊棘上。
If you live with a lame person, you will learn to limp. 遠(yuǎn)朱者赤,近墨者黑。
If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled. 一塊一塊把石移,高山也可變平地。
If you run after two heares, you will catch neither. 兩頭落空。
If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. 蝕了本也輸了利。
If you swear you will catch no fish. 咒罵無益,于事無濟(jì)。
If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. 不試就相信,死前要悔恨。
If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pam. 欲加之罪,何患無辭。
If you want a thing (well) done, do it yourself. 要想做好事情,就要自己動(dòng)手。
If you want knwledge, you must toil for it. 若要求知識(shí),必須刻苦學(xué)習(xí)。
If you wish for peace, be prepared for war. 想要和平,必須備戰(zhàn)。
If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 如要忠告向老人請(qǐng)教。
If you would build for your happiness a sure foundation, let the stone for the corner be a good reputation. 若想為快樂奠立可靠的基礎(chǔ),美好的名聲便是奠基的石頭。
If you would have a good wife marry one who has been a good daughter. 想得賢妻子,須娶好女兒。
If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself. 如要是情做得好,你須親自動(dòng)手搞。
If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for the that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. 欲知金錢價(jià),不妨把錢借;借錢味難嘗,使人心悲傷。
Love rules his kingdom without a word. 維持愛情,不用強(qiáng)力。
Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord. 愛的統(tǒng)治不用刀槍,捆綁不用繩索。
Our affections are our life. -- We live by them; they supply our warmth. 我們的感情,是我們的生命,我們靠它生存,我們的溫暖是它供應(yīng)。
Our best friends are they who tell us our faults and help us to mend them. 最好的朋友是指出我們的缺點(diǎn)并幫助改正的人。
Our bravest and best lessons are not learnt through success, but through misadventure. 最美好的教訓(xùn)不是得之于成功,而是來之于不幸。
Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 我們最大的光榮并不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒后能起來。
Our happiness consists not in killing others, but in sacrificing ourselves for others. 我們最大幸福并不是殺害別人,而是為別人而犧牲自己。
Our own actions are our security, not others' judgements. 我們的行為是自己的保證而不是別人的鑒定。
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought. 最甜美的的歌是訴說最悲傷的哀思。
Out of debt, out of danger. 無債一身輕。
Out of sight, out of mind. 久違情疏。眼不見,心不煩?
Overdone is worse than undone. 過猶不及。
Paddle your own canoe. 自立更生,自食其力。
Pain is forgotten where gain follows. 好了傷疤忘了痛。
Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 饒了壞人便傷了好人。
Patience and application will carry us through. 忍耐和努力會(huì)使我們度過難關(guān)。
Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone's garden. 忍耐是朵花,并非人人園中都開發(fā)。
Patience is a plaster for all sores. 忍耐是治療一切傷痛的藥膏。
Patience is a virtue. 忍耐是一種美德。
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是苦痛的,但它的果實(shí)是甜蜜的。
Patience is the best remedy (or medicine). 忍耐是最好的藥物。
Patience, time, and money overcome everything. 耐心,時(shí)間和金錢可以征服一切。
Pay somebody back in his own coin. 一報(bào)還一報(bào)。
Peace on earth and good will towards men. 愿世界得太平,人間持善意。
Peace with sword in hand, 'tis safest making. 居安思危,此乃萬全之策。
Pen and ink is wit's plough. 筆墨是才智之犁。
Penny and penny laid up will be many. 積少成多。
Penny wise and pound foolish. 小事聰明,大事糊涂。
People do not lack strength; they lack will. 人們不缺力量,缺的是決心。
Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 失敗十九次,堅(jiān)持而不動(dòng),待到二十次,大事就成功。
Perseverance is vital to success. 不屈不撓是成功之本。
Pitchers/Walls have ears. 隔墻有耳。
Pity is akin to love. 憐憫近乎愛情。
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears. 知識(shí)的幼苗要用淚雨來澆灌。
Pleasant hours fly fast. 歡樂的時(shí)間過得快。
Pleasing everybody is pleasing nobody. 討好每個(gè)人,人人不討好。
Pleasure has a sting in its tail. 樂中必有苦。
Plenty is no plague. 富裕絕非災(zāi)禍。
Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance. 詩歌只不過是最美麗、最感人、最有力的說話方式,這也就是詩歌的價(jià)值。
Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. 詩人是世上沒有得到承認(rèn)的立法者。
Politeness costs nothing and gains everything. 禮貌不費(fèi)分文而可贏得一切。
Politeness is to do and say the kindest thing in the kindest way. 文雅就是善良地做事,和善地說話。
Poor men's words have little weight. 人微言輕。
Poverty breeds strife. 貧窮引起斗爭(zhēng)。
Poverty is apain, but no disgrace. 貧困是痛苦,但不是恥辱。
Poverty is no shame, laziness is. 貧窮不害羞,懶惰才可恥。
Poverty is no sin. 貧窮不是罪惡。
Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is. 貧非恥,恥貧乃恥。
Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace. 貧窮并不可恥,窮而不爭(zhēng)氣才可恥。
Poverty is the mother of all arts. 貧困乃一切藝術(shù)之源。
Poverty is the mother of health. 缺乏是健康之母。
Poverty is the reward of idleness. 貧窮是游手好閑的報(bào)應(yīng)。
Poverty is the root of all evils. 窮困是萬惡之源。
Poverty on an old man's back is a heavy burden. 老而貧窮,負(fù)擔(dān)沈重。
Poverty shows us who are our friends and who are our enemies. 貧困才能顯出敵和友。
Poverty tries friends. 貧窮考驗(yàn)朋友。
Practice is better than precept. 身教勝于言教。
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
Practice what you preach. 言必行。
Praise is not pudding. 恭維不是布丁。
Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 贊揚(yáng)使好人更好,壞人更壞。
Praise no man till he is dead. 蓋棺論定。
Preachers can talk but never teach, Unless they practise what they preach. 說教的人不身體力行,就只能空談,不能起教育作用。
Prepare for a rain day. 未雨綢繆。
Prevention is better than cure. 預(yù)防勝于治療。
Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 傲慢和溫雅決不會(huì)共處在一起。
Pride apes humility. 大巧若拙。
Pride goes before a fall. (or destruction). 驕兵必?cái) ?/p>
Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after. 驕傲一開始,恥辱接踵至。
Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak. 驕傲可能披著老一套的外衣出現(xiàn)。
Pride must be pinched. 驕傲必須收斂。
Pride will have a fall. 驕者必?cái) ?/p>
Procrastination is the thief of time. 拖延即浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。
Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 進(jìn)展即今日的活動(dòng)和明日的保證。
Promise is debt. 許愿就是債,欠了不容賴。
Promise little but do much. 少許愿,多做事。
Prosperity discovers vices and adversity virtues. 順境顯邪惡,逆境見善性。
Prosperity gains (or makes) friends, and adversity tries them. 順境交朋友,逆境試真情。
Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. 諺語言短簡(jiǎn),得自老經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
Proverbs are the cream of a nation's thought. 諺語是一國的思想精華。
Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages. 諺語是時(shí)代的智慧。
Prove thy friends ere thou have need. 需要朋友之前,先要加以考驗(yàn)。
Provide for the worst, the best will save itself. 作最壞的準(zhǔn)備,可以得到最好的結(jié)果。
Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions. 天公總是佑強(qiáng)者。
Punctuality is the soul of business. 嚴(yán)守時(shí)間是辦事情的重要原則。
Purpose supposes foresight. 深謀遠(yuǎn)慮。
Put not your hand between the bark and the tree. 少管閑事。
Put (or Lay or Set) one's shoulder to the wheel. 出一把力。
Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置。
Put the shoe on the right foot. 責(zé)備應(yīng)受責(zé)備者,表揚(yáng)應(yīng)受表揚(yáng)者。
Quality is better than quantity. 質(zhì)重于量。
Quality matters more than quanity. 質(zhì)量比數(shù)量重要。
Quarrels of lovers but renew their love. 情人爭(zhēng)爭(zhēng)吵吵,自會(huì)言歸于好。
Quick at meal, quick at work. 吃得快,做得快。
Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth. 手勤腳快,嘴里吃飽。
Quietness is best. 寧靜最好。
Quietude is the crown of life. 安靜是生命的皇冠。
Rain before seven; fine before eleven. 雨過天晴。
Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. 晴日之后有雨水,烏云過去見青天。
Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship. 船沈鼠先竄。
Readiness is all. 有備無患。
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 讀書養(yǎng)神,鍛鏈健身。
Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 博覽群書使人完美無瑕,冥思苦想讓人深刻精邃,論證闡述讓人頭腦清晰。
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 讀書使人淵博,交談使人機(jī)敏,寫作使人嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)。
Read not books alone, but men. 不要光是讀書,還要識(shí)人。
Ready money is a ready medicine. 現(xiàn)錢等于成藥。
Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for. 真正的學(xué)問,像其他一切有價(jià)值的東西一樣,是不容易得到的,必須學(xué)習(xí)、鉆研、思考,最重要的`是必須有迫切的要求。
Reap as (or what) one has sown. 自食其果。
Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 養(yǎng)兒防老。
Reason binds the man. 理智約束著人。
Reason deceives us often, conscience never. 理性常騙人,良心永不欺。
Reason governs the wise man a cudgels the fool. 理智指導(dǎo)聰明人,而且打擊愚蠢漢。
Reason is the guide and light of life. 理智是人生的響導(dǎo)和光輝。
Reason rules all things. 情理管萬事。
Reckless youth makes rueful age. 虛度青春,悔恨無已。
Remember thou are but a man. 記住你自己只不過是一個(gè)人。
Repentance is good, but innocence is better. 悔罪雖好,無罪更佳。
Repetition is the mother of knowledge. 反覆學(xué)習(xí)是知識(shí)之源。
Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault. 無功得名是常事,無過失名也是常事。
Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 應(yīng)該做的決心做,決心做的務(wù)必做。
Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 君須自敬,人乃敬之。
Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms. 責(zé)任必須負(fù)在肩上,不能挾在腋下。
Rest breeds rust. 停止須生銹。
Revolutions are not made with rose water. 革命不是繡花。
Riches do not always bring happiness. 富未必永遠(yuǎn)帶幸福。
Riches either serve or govern the possessor. 財(cái)富可以侍候主人,也可以支配主人。
Riches have wings. 財(cái)富難保。
Riches serve a wise man but command a fool. 財(cái)富事智者,卻又馭蠢人。
Rivers need a spring. 大河要有源頭。
Roll my log and I'll roll yours. 互相吹噓。
Rome was not built in a (or one) day. 羅馬不是一日建成的。
Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds. 兩面討好。
Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 悲喜互繼,哀樂相續(xù)。
Safe bind, safe find.
Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. 駛船要乘風(fēng),風(fēng)潮不等人。
Salt water and absence wash away love. 遠(yuǎn)離久別愛情淡。久別情淡?
Satan always finds work for idle hands. 懶漢總會(huì)干壞事。
Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you. 放虎歸山。
Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day. 能節(jié)儉時(shí)就節(jié)儉,朝陽難照一整天。
Saving is getting. 節(jié)約等于收入。
Saying and doing are two things. 說與做是兩回事。
Saying is one thing, and doing another. 說是一回事,做是另一回事。
Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 莫道全所知,莫信全所聞。
Say well is good, but do well is better, 說得漂亮固好,做得漂亮更佳。
Science is organized knowledge. 科學(xué)是系統(tǒng)化的知識(shí)。
Score twice before you cut once. 三思而行。
Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings. 神氣的狗也會(huì)吃贓布丁的。
Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar. 文明不能改變本性。
Scratch me and I'll scratch you 朋比為奸。
Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 朋比為奸。
Second thoughts are best. 三思而行,再思可也。
Seeing is believing. 眼見為實(shí)。
Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are the three pillars of learning. 見識(shí)多、遭難重,鉆研深是學(xué)問的三大支持。
See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in peace. 多看多聽少多嘴,你會(huì)太平過日子。
Seize (or Take) time by the forelock. 撤熱打鐵。
Seldom seen, soon forgotten. 見得少,忘得快。
Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. 人類的偉大,首要的是要有自信。
Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failure. 我們的失敗多數(shù)是由于缺乏自信。
Self do, self have. 自食其果。
Self-praise is no recommendation. 自我吹噓,決不可取。
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power. 只要自重、自覺、自制,人生就可達(dá)到至高無上的境地。
Selt-trust is the essence of heroism. 自信是英雄的本色。
Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的首要秘訣。
Serve somebody with the same sauce. 以其人之道還治其人之身。
Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil. 小人得意,忘乎所以。
Set a thief to catch a thief. 以毒攻毒。
Shallow streams make most din. 修養(yǎng)不深,高談闊論。
Sharp stomachs make short graces. 餓的肚子顧不到體面。
Short accounts make long friends. 帳算清,交情深。
Short acquaintance brings repentance. 淺交生后悔。
Short is my date, but deathless my renown. 年壽短暫,聲譽(yù)永存。
Show me a liar, and I'll show you a thief. 謊言是做賊的第一步。
Sickness is everyman's master. 英雄只怕病來磨。
Sickness is felt, but health not at all. 疾病能夠感覺到,健康全然不知曉。
Sickness shows us what we are. 疾病使人亮出本來面目。
Silence gives consent. 沈默等于同意。
Silence in times of suffering is the best. 遭到不幸時(shí),沈默是上策。
Silence is learnt by the may misfortunes of life. 沈默是通過生活中的許多不幸而學(xué)會(huì)的。
Silence is more eloquent than words. 沈默是更有說服力的言詞。
Silence is sometimes the severest criticism. 沈默有時(shí)是最嚴(yán)厲的批評(píng)。
Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous. 沈默的人像靜水一樣,深而難測(cè)。
Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 綢緞要熄滅廚房的火。
Sincerity, a deep genuine, heart-felt sincerity, is a trait of true and noble manhood. 真誠--深刻真摯發(fā)自內(nèi)心的真誠,是真正高尚的人性的一種品質(zhì)。
Six feet of earth makes all men equal. 在墓穴中人人都平等。
Skill and confidence are an unconquered army. 技能和信心是不可克服的軍隊(duì)。
Sleeping is the best cure for waking troubles. 睡眠是良藥,專治醒時(shí)愁。
Sloth turneth the edge of wit. 懶惰會(huì)磨去才智的鋒芒。
Slow and steady wins the race. 跛鱉千里。
Slow help is no help. 幫忙不及時(shí),等于不幫忙。
Small gains bring great wealth. 小益聚大財(cái),薄利成巨富。
Smooth water runs deep. 大智若愚。
Soft fire makes sweet malt. 慢工出細(xì)活。
Soft (or Fine or Kind) words butter no parsnips. 畫餅充饑。
So many countries, so many customs. 一個(gè)國家有一個(gè)國家的風(fēng)俗。
So many men (or heads) so many minds (or wits). 人多意見也多。
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 有些書只要瀏覽一下,有些書要仔細(xì)閱讀,有些書要領(lǐng)會(huì)和消化。
Some of the best lessons we ever learn from our mistakes and failures. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future. 從過錯(cuò)和失敗中,我們?nèi)〉昧艘恍┯幸娴慕逃?xùn)。過去的錯(cuò)誤是未來的智慧和成功。
Some persons do first, think afterwards, and then repent for ever. 有些人做了再思考,從而悔恨終身。
Something attempted, something done.
Sometimes the best gain is to lose. 有時(shí)大得即大失。
Sometimes words hurt more than swords. 惡語有時(shí)傷人比刀劍更厲害。
So much is mine as I enjoy. 我所有的就如我享有的這么多。
Sooner or later, the truth comes to light. 早晚真相會(huì)大白。
Soon gotten, soon spent. 賺得快,花得快。
Soon learnt, soon forgotten. 學(xué)得快,忘得快。
Soon ripe, soon rotten. 早熟早爛。
Soon up, soon down. 升得高,落得快。
Sorrow comes unset for. 悲哀來時(shí)不需邀。
Soorow is at parting if at meeting there be laughter. 離別多愁恨,相見盡笑聲。
Sound love is not soon forgotten. 愛深難忘。
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. 惡有惡報(bào)。
Spare the rod and spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器。
Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 要說就索性說得一清二楚,說出前每句話要字斟句酌。
Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. 講話不思考猶如射擊不對(duì)準(zhǔn)目標(biāo)。
Speak less and listen more. 要少說多聽。
Speak little of your ill luck and boast not of your good luck. 少說失意事,莫夸好運(yùn)道。
Speak of angels and you will hear their wings. 說到曹操,曹操就到。
Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. 要贊美朋友,莫提及敵人。
Speech is silver (or silvern), silence is golden. 雄辯是銀,沈默是金。
Speech is the picture of the mind. 言為心聲。
Speech shows what a man is. 言如其人。
Speed is the soldier's asset. 兵貴神速。
Spend money like water. 揮金如土。
Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. 因小失大。
Step after step the ladder is ascended. 按部就班,循序漸進(jìn)。
Still waters have deep bottoms. 靜水常深。
Still waters run deep. 大智若愚。靜水流深。
Straight trees have crooked roots. 直樹也有曲根。
Strike while the iron is hot. 見機(jī)行事。稱熱打鐵。
Strong reasons make strong actions. 理由充足,行動(dòng)就堅(jiān)決。
Study sickness while you are well. 居安思危。
Success belongs to the persevering. 堅(jiān)持到底必獲勝利。堅(jiān)持就是勝利。
Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 成功來自于克服困難的斗爭(zhēng)。
Such beginning, such ending. 有怎樣的開始,就有怎樣的結(jié)束。
Such carpenters, such chips. 什么樣的木匠,出什么活。
Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. 一天的不幸已夠人受的了,別再自尋煩惱。
Suit the action to the word. 怎么說就怎么做。
Sure bind, sure find. 捆得好,逃不了。
Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 猜疑傷害莫逆之交。
Sweep before your own door. 先律己,后律人。
Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 言語投機(jī)恨時(shí)短。
Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 以毒攻毒。
Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can. 智者皆能視苦為樂。
Take away my good name and take away my life. 奪了我的名譽(yù)等于奪了我的生命。
Take care of small sums and the large will take care of themselves. 省小錢才能積大財(cái)。
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 積少成多。
Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves. 注意你的理智,聲調(diào)自會(huì)小心。
Take honour from me and my life is undone. 奪我名聲,我命即亡。
Take one's courage in both hands. 勇往直前,敢作敢為。
Take one thing with another. 由此及彼。
Take something by the best handle. 理解某事物,乘其好機(jī)會(huì)。
Take the rough with the smooth. 既能享樂也能吃苦。
Take the world as it is. 隨遇而安。
Take the world as one finds it. 聽之任之。
Take things as they come (or are) 既來之,則安之。
Take time by the forelock. 要抓住時(shí)機(jī)。
Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything. 要費(fèi)時(shí)思考,急躁會(huì)壞事。
Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. 做事要深思熟慮,但時(shí)機(jī)一到,就要?jiǎng)邮郑灰q豫。
Take time when time comes lest time steal away. 機(jī)不可失,時(shí)不再來。
Take time while time is, for time will be away. 有時(shí)間要加以利用,因?yàn)闀r(shí)間是要消逝的。
Talk of an angel and you'll hear his wings. 說到曹操,曹操就到。
Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear. 說鬼鬼到。
Tall trees catch much wind. 樹大招風(fēng)。
Tastes differ. 眾口難調(diào)。
Teaching others teaches yourself. 教學(xué)相長(zhǎng)。
Tears are the silent language of grief. 眼淚是悲哀的無聲言辭。
Telling your troubles is swelling your troubles. 訴說煩惱等于增加煩惱。
Tell me thy company and I will tell thee what thou art. 把你的交友講給我聽,我會(huì)講出你是何許人。
Tell not all you know nor judge of all you see if you would live in peace. 知道的不要全部?jī)A吐,看到的不要都加評(píng)語,這樣生活可以安寧。
Temperance is the best physic. 克制乃是最好的治療。
Temperance is the greatest of virtues. 自我節(jié)制是最大的美德。
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 好書開卷引人入勝,閉卷使人得益。
That is not good language which all understand not. 不是人人都懂的語言不是好語言。
That's good wisdom which is wisdom in the end. 最后的聰明才算真聰明。
That teacher helps his pupils most who most helps them to help themselves. 教師盡力幫助學(xué)生獨(dú)立工作是給學(xué)生最大的幫助。
That which is evil is soon learnt. 惡行易學(xué)。
That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. 美麗而引人注目的東西不一定都善良,但善良的東西總是美麗的。
That which one least anticipates soonest comes to pass. 事非逆料偏易發(fā)生。
That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember. 苦楚往日難忍受,記起也許甜心頭。
The abundance of money ruins youth. 錢多毀青年。
The ass wags his ears. 自鳴得意。
The battle is to the strong. 強(qiáng)者必勝。
The (or A) beggar may sing before the thief (or footbad). 既是窮光蛋,何慮竊賊偷。
The beginnings of all things are small. 萬事開頭小。
The belly has no ears. 食欲不長(zhǎng)耳。
The best fish smell when they are three days old. 魚過三天后,再鮮也變臭。
The best fish swim near the bottom. 好魚游水底。
The best hearts are always the bravest. 最善良的人往往是最勇敢的人。
The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching. 玉不琢不成器。
The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good. 要求過高反難成功。
The best is yet to be. 好戲在后頭。
The best man stumbles. 智者千慮,必有一失。
The best mirror is an old friend. 老朋友是最好的鏡子。
The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. 最好的政府是教導(dǎo)我們管理自己。
The best of friends must part. 莫逆至交,終有一別。
The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between. 敬而遠(yuǎn)之。
The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of children. 面包的氣味最香,食鹽的滋味最鮮,兒童的情愛最純。
The best teacher one can have is necessity. 我們能得到的最好教師是“需要”。
The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men. 啟迪人性最好的導(dǎo)師是偉大人物的生活。
The better the day, the better the deed. 日子越美好,事業(yè)越順當(dāng)。
The bough that bears most, hangs lowest. 枝頭結(jié)果越多,垂得越低。
The brave man hazards his life, but not his conscience. 英雄的人可以冒生命危險(xiǎn),但不冒良心危險(xiǎn)。
The brightest of all things, the sun, has its spots. 金無赤足,人無完人。
The burden on likes is cheerfully borne. 愛挑的擔(dān)子,就愉快輕松。
The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 最忙的人時(shí)間最多。
The cask savours of the first fill. 先入為主。
The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better. 貓犬可相吻,莫逆卻難成。
The catin glores catch no mice. 戴手套的貓捉不到老鼠。
The cat shut its eyes while it steals cream. 掩耳盜鈴。
The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人生的主要目的不是為了掙錢。
The child is father of (or to) the man. 三歲定終身。
The cobbler must stick to his last. 安分守己。
The cobbler's wife is the worst shod. 鞋匠的老婆沒有好鞋穿。
The course of true love never did run smooth. 好事多磨。
The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it 牛失其尾,方知其貴。
The cowl (or hood) does not make the monk. 穿袈裟的不一定是和尚。
The creditor has always a better memory than the detor. 放債人的記性比借債人好。
The crow thinks her own birds fairest. 烏鴉總以為自己的雛鳥最美麗。
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. 最殘酷的謊言常以沈默的方式說出。
The crushed worm will turn. 困獸猶斗。
The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. 布谷鳥,四月來,五月在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就飛開。
The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor. 大人物的美味是窮人的眼淚。
The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗的時(shí)刻。
The day has eyes, the night has ears. 日有眼,夜有耳。
The day is long to him who knows not how to use it. 百無聊賴。
The devil can cite the Scriptures for his purpose. 魔鬼替其狡辯,也會(huì)引經(jīng)據(jù)點(diǎn)。
The devil is good when he is pleased. 魔鬼高興,也發(fā)善心。
The devil is not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼不像所描繪的那么黑。
The devil knows may things because he is old. 老馬能識(shí)途。
The devil lurks behind the cross. 貌善實(shí)惡。
The devil may get in by the keyhole, but the door won't let him out. 魔鬼乘虛而入,開門攆它不出。
The diamonds of other countries are always the most beautiful. 別國的鉆石是最美麗的。
The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease. 醫(yī)生往往比疾病更令人生畏。
The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. 我行我素,豈管他哉。
The dog that fetches will carry. 來道是非者,便是是非人。
The drop hollows the stone, not by force, but by the frequency of its fall. 滴水穿石不是由于使用強(qiáng)力所致,而是由于滴水頻繁所成。
The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。
The effect speaks, the tongue needs not. 事實(shí)勝于雄辯。
The end crowns the work. 工作成敗要看結(jié)果。
The end justifies (or sanctifies) the means. 只問目的,不問手段。
The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear. 自作孽不可活。
The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 重傷可治,臭名難除。
The exception proves the rule. 例外能反證規(guī)律。
The eye is blind if the mind is absent. 心不專則眼不明。
The eye that sees all things else sees not itself. 眼睛能看見一切的東西,但看不見自己。
The face is the index of the mind (or heart). 相為心證。
The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love. 情人越吵越親密。
The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity. 農(nóng)民是文化和繁榮的奠基者。
The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 欲速則不達(dá)。
The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear. 杞人憂天,庸人自擾。
The finest diamond must be cut. 玉不琢不成器。
The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man. 烈火試真金,困苦練壯士。
The fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near. 遠(yuǎn)火能照亮,近火要燒人。
The first blow is half the battle. 頭炮打響,等于半個(gè)勝仗。
The first element of success is the determination to succeed. 成功的首要因素是要有成功的決心。
The first step is as good as half over. 第一步的成功等于事情的一半已完成。
The first step is the only difficulty. 萬事起頭難。
The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice. 避開作惡是走向美德的第一步。
The first wealth is health. 健康是最重要的財(cái)富。
The fool does think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. 愚者自以為聰明,智者則有自知之明。
The fool has his heart on his tongue, the wise man keeps his tongue in his heart. 蠢人的心在嘴上,聰明人的嘴在心里。
The fool talks, and the wise man thinks. 蠢人嘴巴講,聰明人用心想。
The foundation of true joy is in the conscience. 真正的愉快之根本在于良心。
The fox changes his skin but not his habit. 狐貍可以改變皮毛,但不能改變習(xí)性。
The fox knew too much, that's how he lost his tail. 機(jī)關(guān)算盡太聰明,反誤了卿卿性命。
The fox smells his own stink first. 狐貍的臭味道,自己先嗅到。
The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve. 嘴上真君子,行動(dòng)爛小人。
The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean. 井底之蛙不知汪洋大海。
The future belongs to him who knows how to wait. 未來屬于懂得等待的人。
The future of society is in the hands of mothers; if the world was lost through woman she alone can save it. 社會(huì)的前途掌握在母親們手中;如果世界由于女人而毀滅,那么也只有女人才可挽救。
The good seaman is known in bad weather. 壞天氣才能認(rèn)識(shí)良好的海員。
The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. 民有、民治、民享的政府永世長(zhǎng)存。
The grass is greener on the other side. 草是另一邊的綠。
The great and the little have need one of another. 偉大與渺小相得益彰。
The greater the truth, the greater the libel. 真理越大,誹謗也越大。
The greatest fool is he who worries about what he cannot help. 操心無法可想的事是最大的傻瓜。
The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is humility. 真理最偉大的朋友是時(shí)間,最大的敵人是偏見,她永恒的伴侶是謙遜。
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. 最大的恨產(chǎn)生于最大的愛。
The greatest liars talk most of themselves. 自吹自擂的人是最大的謊言者。
The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice. 進(jìn)步的最大障礙是偏見。
The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. 最大的錯(cuò)誤就是不認(rèn)識(shí)錯(cuò)誤。
The greatest pleasure of life is love. 愛是人生最大的樂趣。
The greatest talkers are always the least doers. 言語的巨人往往是行動(dòng)的侏儒。
The great fish ear up the small. 弱肉強(qiáng)食。