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時間:2024-08-12 18:00:05 毅霖 晚安心語 我要投稿
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  情侶英文晚安甜蜜心語 1

  1、Focus on your long-term goal. Good things will soon happen.專注于你的長期目標,美妙的事情很快會來到。


  3、A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesn’t leave you when you fail.真正的朋友,在你成功時,會引以為豪;在你失敗時,會不離不棄。

  4、Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.冬天是蝕刻畫,春天是水彩畫,夏天是油畫,而秋天則是三者的美麗交織。

  5、Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not. (Ana Monnar ) ——該發生的總會發生,不管你是否為此焦慮。

  6、The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! Coco Chanel 最適合你的顏色,才是世界上最美的顏色。

  7、Do not forget, once owned more difficult to get to treasure, not to give up their own, have lost things in memory. ——曾經擁有的不要忘記,難以得到的更要珍惜,屬于自己的不要放棄,已經失去的留作回憶。

  8、Im just a sunflower, waiting for belongs to my only sunshine. 我只是一朵向日葵,等待著屬于我的唯一的陽光

  9、The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectations. 年輕人的可敬之處在于勇氣和遠大前程。(王小波)

  10、All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers. 一直以來,成就大事的人都是大夢想家。——奧里森·馬登

  11、Celebrate what youve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed. 慶祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功過后,要把標準再拉高一點。——米婭·哈姆


  13、Real happiness, not ecstasy, also not pain, it is slow, the big wave.——真正的快樂,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是細水長流,碧海無波。

  14、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. ——時間可以愈合一顆破碎的心,也會傷害一顆等待的心。

  15、Life is a palette, you put colors on it. Let your past make you better, not bitter. ——生活是調色板,每個人自己在上面加上顏色。讓你的過去失去你更多成長,而不是增添更多怨恨。


  17、Go the most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; Wound deepest, also always the most true feelings. ——走得最急的,都是最美的風景;傷得最深的,也總是那些最真的感情。

  18、If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you wont, you most assuredly wont. 如果你相信你可以,你通常就可以。如果你相信你沒辦法,你就肯定沒辦法了。——丹尼斯·魏特利

  19、Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising ones level of aspiration and expectation. 成就主要是逐步提升抱負及期望的結果。——杰克·尼克勞斯

  20、What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears? 什么是勇氣?是哭著要你愛我,還是哭著讓你離開。

  21、I love when someones laugh is funnier than the joke.我喜歡那種笑得比笑話本身還有趣。



  24、Love is like war… easy to start, difficult to finish, and impossible to forget. 愛情就好像戰爭一樣,容易開始,難以結束,和不可能被遺忘。

  25、Learn to bear the pain. Some things, only bad for the heart, soundless and stirless forget for the. 學會承受痛苦。有些事情,只適合爛在心里,適合無聲無息的忘記。

  26、Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把別人看得太重,結果在別人眼里自己什么都不是。


  28、I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我要的,不只是短暫的溫柔。

  29、May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through。Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way.愿明亮喜慶的新年燭光溫暖一年中的每個日日夜夜,祝你歡歡喜喜度馬年!


  31、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.生活告訴我們,愛情并不在于互相凝望對方,而在于雙方朝著同一個方向眺望。

  32、Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest. 別氣餒,因為萬事總是開頭最難。

  33、Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity. 君子和而不同。


  35、Take a few minutes to appreciate what you have and how far youve come.稍稍沉下心來,欣賞自己擁有的和所完成的。

  36、Some habits, however, was to change.有些習慣,無論如何都改不了。


  38、Youre in here because of me. 你在這里,是因為有我。《暮光之城》

  39、An eye finds more truth than two ears. 百聞不如一見。

  40、Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So, thank the past for a better future.傷痛使你更堅強,眼淚使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智。所以,感謝過去帶給我們一個更好的未來。

  41、Enjoy the challenge, its making you better!——享受每一次挑戰,你會因此變得更優秀。


  43、Theres no sentiment without being injured when living in this world.“生于這世上,沒有一樣感情不是千瘡百孔的。”

  44、Dont lie to people who trust you, and dont trust people who lie to you. 不要對相信你的人撒謊,也不要相信對你撒謊的人。

  45、When you long for something sincerely, the whole world will help you. 當你真心渴望某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會來幫忙。

  46、Dont make promises when youre joyful. Dont reply when youre sad. Dont make decisions when youre angry. 別在喜悅時承諾,別在悲傷時回答,別在憤怒時決定。

  47、Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you dont leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself. 人生短短幾十年,不要給自己留下了什么遺憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,該愛的時候就去愛,無謂壓抑自己。


  49、Smile, let everyone know that today youre much stronger than you were yesterday. 笑一笑,讓每個人都知道今天的你比昨天堅強得多。

  50、Good looks fade, but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever. 縱然芳容易逝,心善卻能令美麗永駐。

  情侶英文晚安甜蜜心語 2

  1. “good night,”the two words are not especially sweet or important.what makes them important is who is saying it.不是“晚安”這兩個字特別甜蜜和特別重要,而是重要在說的那個人是誰。

  2. “good night”, two si-mp-le words,who can say it to me every day for a whole life. 晚安這兩個簡單的字,有誰能一天不落地對我說一輩子。

  3. people who say good night are always working on something aimlessly. 說了晚安去睡的人,往往半小時以后還在得瑟。

  4. good night, these two si-mp-le words, who can one day does not fall to the ground to say to me for a lifetime. 晚安這兩個簡單的字,有誰能一天不落地對我說一輩子。

  5. “good night,”the two words are not especially sweet or important.what makes them important is who is saying it.不是“晚安”這兩個字特別甜蜜和特別重要,而是重要在說的那個人是誰。

  6. “good night”, two si-mp-le words,who can say it to me every day for a whole life. 晚安這兩個簡單的.字,有誰能一天不落地對我說一輩子。

  7. people who say good night are always working on something aimlessly. 說了晚安去睡的人,往往半小時以后還在得瑟。

  8. good night, these two si-mp-le words, who can one day does not fall to the ground to say to me for a lifetime. 晚安這兩個簡單的字,有誰能一天不落地對我說一輩子。

  9.Do you love life?Then do not squander time;for thats the stuff life is made of.你熱愛生命嗎?那么,別浪費時間,因為生命是由時間組成的。

  10.You cannot step twice into the same river.你不能兩次踏入同一條河流。

  11.Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.成功來自于克服困難的斗爭。

  12.There is no royal road to learning.求知無坦途。

  13.No cross, no crown.未經苦難,得不到榮冠。

  14.Poverty is stranger to industry.勤勞之人不受窮。

  15.Nurture passes nature.教養勝過天性。

  16.Honesty is the best policy.誠實為上策。

  17.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.生活中最大的幸福是堅信有人愛我們。

  18.The darkest hour is that before the dawn.黎明前的時分是最黑暗的。

  19. one day, we will never have to say goodbye, only good night. 總有一天,我們不用再說再見,只需道句晚安。

  20. every day, a greeting, a love you, a good night, this is all my greed.每天一句問候,一句愛你,一句晚安,這就是我全部的貪婪。

  情侶英文晚安甜蜜心語 3

  一、We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.每一個不曾起舞的日子,都是對生命的辜負。

  二、Happiness,never shortcut,also not perfect,only to run,only by the heart.幸福,從沒捷徑,也沒有完美無瑕,只有經營,只靠真心。

  三、When somebody says youve changed,its only because you stopped living your life their way.當有人說你變了的時候,不過是因為你不再按他們的方式生活罷了。

  四、When you fall down,you just gotta get back up and keep on going.There’s no sense in just sitting there.跌倒了,就重新站起來,繼續向前走;傻坐在地上是沒用的。

  五、Sculpting in time of memories,years precipitate the feelings,because once touched,so unforgettable.時光雕刻著回憶,歲月沉淀了情感,因為曾經感動,所以難以忘懷。

  六、One day,well all become a memory of someone elses;make it a beautiful one.總有一天,我們會成為別人的回憶,盡力讓它美好吧。

  七、Love a person without response,rather than begging for love,it is better to go away proudly.愛一個人沒有回應,與其乞討愛情,不如驕傲地走開。

  八、Im fine.I never condemn myself to laugh at others.You probably know that.我很好,從不委屈自己嘲笑別人,這些也許你已知道。

  九、Even if you get no applause,you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts.即使沒有人為你鼓掌,也要優雅地謝幕,感謝自己的`認真付出。

  十、Sometimes the hardest choices we made end up being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves.有時候,我們做出的最艱難的決定,最終成為我們做過的最漂亮的事。

  十一、Not everyone can live the kind of life of luxury,but you can have a dull life,a warm home。不可能每個人都能過上那種奢華的生活,但你可以擁有一個平淡的人生,一個溫暖的家。

  十二、One person,if you dont force yourself,you dont know how good you are.一個人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多優秀。

  十三、Life,sometimes boundless sea of bitterness,know how to look back,you can find the joy of living.人生,有時是無邊苦海,懂得回頭,才可以找見活著的快樂。

  十四、Let the right one in.Let the old dreams die.Let the wrong ones go.讓適合的那個進來吧,讓殘夢褪去吧,讓不適合的那個走吧。

  情侶英文晚安甜蜜心語 4


  There is no big expectation about love, as long as it is you in the end. good night!


  I sincerely wish you a good dream and good night.


  Neon glitters, give you warm harbor, may you have my company all your life.


  You are the best. If someone is better than you, I pretend not to see. good night!


  May you be refined to the old, with the sun in your eyes, and all the smiles are open. good night.


  What can I do? I want to sleep, too.


  Im cooking the moon. You want to add something to it. Good night.


  Think of ordinary people dare not think, do not dare to do ordinary people. good night!


  The evening breeze gently blows, brings my greetings: night is deep, make a good dream!


  Beautiful dream Pianpian drive tired, nourish energy to be crazy tomorrow.


  May you have a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. Cherish when you meet, and try hard when you cant see it.


  May life be less crowded, smile does not have to be deliberate, good night dream.


  I hope that my little friend, let you worry about, let you forget. good night.


  Its as many as stars, but as far away as stars. good night.


  Put a sugar under the pillow and dream of sweet.


  Want to hide you in my dream, the dawn also can not take you.


  Wash and sleep, dream is waiting for you!


  It is past, it is important to be happy and good night.


  Good night, looking at the distance, there are people around.


  Youth will eventually break away, only memory will never die. good night!


  Sleep with good luck.


  Less in the night sun! Easy to get out of the way! Wish: sleep sweet! A dream is round!


  Before bed, I will brush my jokes and have a good dream.


  The stars blink, and they want to hypnotize you.


  If you give up too early, you never know what youll miss. good night!


  Wish you a dream come true tonight, and be lucky for life!


  When night comes, I begin to pray: wish you peace in my heart!


  May you sleep safely tonight, and I wish you a good night of sweet dreams.


  To see the world with ordinary heart, flowers bloom and thank you are scenery. Good night, friend!


  Sleep with hope, tomorrow will have new sunshine!


  Sleep is tranquil soup, take it everyday, and be calm and calm.


  Ill have a good time off early and dont stay up late.


  Sleep a long sleep, make a sweet dream, forget all the unhappy.


  Your eyes are too gentle, and the smile melts the young girl heart of the old husband.


  Cover the quilt well at night. Dont get cold. Drink some milk before you go to bed, do you know!


  Live a good life, meet slowly, good night.


  When you stop and rest, dont forget someone is still running. good night!


  Rain stopped and not only, but the night was still concerned, baby, good night!


  Its my easiest to listen to you say good night before going to bed every night.


  May you have a good night, sleep easily, and wish you a happy day!


  Good sleep to the mood is good, half work times tomorrow must be good!


  Dear, I love you! good night!


  Baby, dont think about those unhappy things. Get to bed early. Good night.


  A distant dream lights up and listens to a voice of my wish.


  What can heal you is never time, but understand, good night.


  Not that I love staying up late, but that night needs my bright star.


  What a good evening, I cant help you think I cant sleep at night.


  You should try to be excellent and make yourself feel comfortable with anyone. good night.


  Dont say good night, Im going to sleep with you!


  How good he is is him; How good he is to you is yours. good night.


  Yes, insist; Wrong, give up! good night!


  Sleep when you are unhappy, and sleep well when you are happy.


  May the best greetings give you a beautiful dream, good night!


  Dont send gold, no silver, send you a good sense of the day.


  Summer night, may my message give you deep wishes, good night!


  The night is gradually dark, the heart slowly calm, I do not know if you have sleep in the heart.


  Sleep and rest well, run with healthy physical illness.


  Tonight, the moon in my heart is knocked over by you again.


  Sleep in peace and feel good, and wake up the next day and live a beautiful life.


  I want to send Mr. stars, but I am afraid that Mr. has the galaxy. good night.


  Life is very tired, but love yourself. good night!


  Good night, dear. The time behind, we slowly passed.


  Good evening I still miss you quietly tonight! Waiting for you in the dream, love you.


  Sleepy, sleep quickly, sleep fast, skin white.


  Wish you happiness without worry, sleep well!


  Show off needs the audience, and showing off just makes us lose the audience. good night!


  Sleep fast, sleep fast. I want to be close to you in your dream. I cant wait!


  Ive helped you see the constellation this week, and how do you want me to express it. good night.


  Night will not be bad for those who sleep late, it will give you black eyes.


  If life betrays me, I hope it is about Jin.


  Your baby is asleep and needs to be in touch to wake up.


  A good dream is coming, close your eyes and sleep.


  Your eyes are too gentle, and the smile melts the iron heart of the old man.


  Eat full, sleep early, skin is good, red face can not easily old.


  I hope all the good is full of your dreams. I wish you a good dream tonight!


  The worst things will always pass, and good luck is coming to you. good night.


  Good night, I wish to keep my gentle arms waiting for you.


  Good night, go to bed. Or Ill miss you again later.


  May you be as bright as the stars in the sky, bright and bright forever and Changanning. good night.


  AI Ben is a bubble, if we can see through, what is sad. good night!


  People who really like you, even good night will say it many times. Good night.


  The moon does not sleep I dont sleep, I am a delicious human.


  There are lights in the refrigerator, arent they? Thats what you eat at night!


  Wipe away your tired with love, and let you sleep safely.


  Hope negative emotions away from me, hope to embrace love, good night.


  I like you best in all the scenes that people have to have. Good night, North nose.


  Without my night, I entrusted moonlight to send my missing to you, baby good night!


  The best happiness is what you care about. good night!


  May you see the figure of the flower fairy as soon as you close your eyes.


  Sleep, or Ill miss you again later.


  When you are happy, life is beautiful. good night!


  May you be peaceful every day, and night is safe, and your dreams are sweet and sweet.


  Stars that dont sleep, instead of me kissing your eyes.












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