SAT作文素材名人類:Ted Turner
SAT考試作文素材:Ted Turner--the founder of CNN
The walls of Ted Turners international headquarters,14 floors above downtown Atlanta,are lined with Oscar statuettes.If you try to pick one up,for example,the actual best-production award for Casablanca,you will discover that they are all firmly bolted to their glass display shelves,and Turners aides will break their frowns to laugh at you.
Turner is the 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN,former champion sailor,Rhett Butler lookalike and record-breaking philanthropist.
Turner has just emerged from the worst two years of his life -- years that he has said left him feelingsuicidal.In spring 2000,he was suddenly sidelined from the broadcasting company he had built from scratch.Then his wife of eight years,the actress Jane Fonda,came home one night and informed him that she was now a born-again Christian;they divorced last year.Two of his grandchildren developed a rare genetic disorder,and one died.Turners friends said he was inconsolable.Then,just when he felt it could get no worse,he brought the wrath of America upon himself by a speech in Rhode Island saying that the September 11 hijackers had beenbrave.
Then he threw himself into his charity work.Turners UN Foundation,the biggest of his three charities,recently spent $22.2 in one month combating intestinal parasites in Vietnamese children,reducing Chinas greenhouse-gas emissions and helping women from Burkina Faso start businesses selling nut butter.
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