我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-03-30 16:40:16 評語 我要投稿





  一. How does your mother describe you? 你的母親認為你是個怎樣的人?

  問題分析: 只有外國面試官會這樣提問, 因為他不了解中國的國情。在中國, 有兩類母親, 一類母親是傳統型的中國婦女, 從來不會夸獎自己的孩子; 另一類母親是80后的現代母親, 因為只有一個孩子而看不到孩子任何的缺點。在面試中, 你不妨把中國的這種“文化”傳遞給面試官, 以使面試氣氛更加輕松有趣。

  回答示范1: Well, it’s an interesting question. It reminds me of a Chinese saying, the best child is your own child, and the best wife are others’ wives. It means a man or woman is always satisfied with his/her own child, but not with the spouse, hehe. My mother is just like this. She tells everybody that I am hard working, more hard working than I should be. She says I am trustworthy and independent, never giving her troubles. You know, she sent me to boarding school at 14.

  點評1: 這個回答很好, 它有兩個優點: 第一, 比較有趣, 輕松地傳播了一點中國文化; 第二, 以事實說明了自己的刻苦與自立的特征。

  回答示范2: Most Chinese parents are not quite as expressive as western parents. My mother has never told me what kind of person she thinks I am, but I feel if you ask her, she would say that I’m a good kid. I never give her trouble. You know, as a kid, I was healthy, seldom went to hospital. As a student, I never needed her to push me to study. As a son, I give her a call several times a week to ask how she is doing and to tell her about myself.

  點評2: 很詼諧很感人的回答!

  回答示范3: Well, I think my mother would describe me as hard working, independent, but too independent, “stubborn” is her very word, hehe. My mother says I’m hard working because it’s true, I am a bit of a workaholic. She says I am independent because she sent me to boarding school at 14 and I took very good care of myself. But maybe because she sent me away at a young age, I’ve learnt to make my own decisions instead of consulting her, so she feels I am stubborn, hehe.

  點評3: 有優點, 有缺點, 非常真實。

  二. What do you consider your strengths as an employee? 作為一名公司職員, 你覺得自己有什么優點?

  問題分析: 請大家注意, 這個問題的前提是“作為一名員工的優點”, 它和單純的“你有什么優點”是有區別的。你必須列舉自己在工作場合的優點。

  回答示范1: I am keen on making improvements. I can find problems and like to find ways to solve the problems. Our company has a Suggestion Scheme, that is, every employee is encouraged to offer suggestions on improvements to technology and management. I have offered more than sixty suggestions in two years, 80% of which have been adopted, which makes me rank number 3 in our department of 533 employees. Besides technical suggestions I have also given some advice on management, though it seems unimportant to some people. For example, I have suggested that music be played in the workplace, and that one light is good enough in toilets instead of three lights.

  點評1: “善于提出建議”, 這的確是個很大的'優點。

  回答示范2: I have good time management skills. As an assistant I often have several things in my hands at the same time so I have to manage my time well to work effectively. I paste a very big Monthly Schedule on the walls at the office and at home, adding arrangements like sales meetings or friends’ birthday parties anytime they are scheduled. So I am very organized both at work and in personal life, never missing important events and deadlines.

  點評2: “善于管理時間”, 是秘書和助理等職位必須具備的優秀素質。

  回答示范3: I am very organized. While studying, other students like to borrow my class notes. My personal items and paperwork are sorted nicely. My colleagues can easily find the document they want from my desk or my computer. I believe being organized is a habit which everyone can have if he/she persists.

  點評3: “有條理”, 是秘書和助理等職位必須具備的優秀素質。

  回答示范4: I am a planner and my motto is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I plan everything. I plan my work, the first thing I do in the morning is to make a Must-Do list and Waiting-To-Do list. I plan shopping, I always make a shopping list so I never wander in the supermarket wondering what is needed—it’s the best way to save time and money! I plan my career too. Since sophomore year I have planned to work as a marketing representative after graduating. So I began to undertake more elective courses in marketing and find related part-time jobs, as you can see on my resume.

  點評4: “計劃性強”, 是所有職位都必須具備的優秀素質。

  回答示范5: I do my job whole-heartedly to achieve good results. As my friends say, I am a workaholic. I always give 100% to my work. In university I worked overnight for experiments. Last month I spent the whole month in the city of Liuzhou, all-day work, no rest, to finish a project before the deadline.

  點評5: “做事情很拼命”, 是任何老板都欣賞的素質。

  回答示范6: My strength is my flexibility to handle changes. I began to like Guangzhou shortly after I had come from the northeast of China and I have made many good friends in a short time. I’ve been sent to three different departments in three years of work at ICBC and I’ve adapted to each new position very well. (如果面試官繼續詢問你如何適應變化, 則繼續回答如下)When changes occur, I first learn the new things carefully and quickly. Most importantly, I don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. I am not afraid of telling others that I don’t know something. Being open-minded is very important in my view, so much better than hiding in fear of losing face.

  點評6: “適應能力強”既是一個生活上的優點, 也算是一個工作中的優點。不過, 這個回答最絕的地方是它巧妙地把面試官的注意力轉移到該申請人在工商銀行三年換了三個崗位的這個事實。連續換崗, 表明原單位對他很重視, 有意識地培養和鍛煉他。

  回答示范7: My strength is that I am quite expressive and I have the passion for expressing myself. When studying in college I wasn’t afraid of speaking in front of the whole class. Now at work I’m not shy about expressing my mind. I believe if we love a job, we must share our views to make it better.

  點評7: “表達能力強”, 是很多崗位都需要的優秀素質。

  回答示范8: I am a very active person. I’d rather hang out with people than sit and watch TV. That’s the main reason why I want to be a sales rep. Business travel won’t be a burden for me, it’s a joy of life.

  點評8: “積極好動”, 明顯是適合銷售崗位的優秀素質。

  回答示范9: I am eager to learn. I am curious about lots of things, so I enjoy reading. When I was a kid I liked to take things apart and see how they worked. Now I enjoy researching and developing new technology at work, which is a joy for me as well as work.

  點評9: “求知欲強”, 是技術研發類職位的必備素質。

  回答示范10: I am passionate about work because I can find lots of fun at work, say, achieving a goal, being praised by bosses especially in public, haha, or self-improvement. For example, I’ve volunteered to be an Internal Trainer at our company to train the new staff. Although I make little money for my hard work I’ve gained more important things than money, like presentation skills and confidence.

  點評10: “對工作充滿熱情, 并善于在工作中尋求樂趣”, 這是一個多么可愛的優點!

  回答示范11: My strength is that I am sensitive to what’s happening around, in other words, I pay attention to what’s going on and think about it. I keep up with the latest fashions in our business. For example, I once suggested one of my clients to sell NBA cards and he made around ten thousand Yuan from this business in less than a month. I hit on the idea when my nephew told me many of his classmates were interested in these cards. For another example, an old client once rejected my invitations to dinner three times in a row, and I immediately got a feeling that he was trying to hide something from me. So I visited him the next day and found out that he intended to cooperate with another sports shoes company. I successfully stopped him from breaking from us by giving him some real examples of failures of that brand. I believe I have to be sensitive to the business and to people or I can’t do my work well.

  點評11: “對周邊事務非常敏銳”, 這是一個獨樹一幟的回答, 勢必能令聽慣了“領導能力強、 組織能力強、 溝通能力強”等“列強”答案的面試官印象深刻。

  回答示范12: I have problem-solving skills, that is, I can often think of a way to bring a satisfying end to a difficult situation. Let me give you an example at the workplace. Last summer I found a very obvious number mistake made by the Project Manager when I was a part-time auditor. I would have told her directly if she hadn’t lost her temper for the same kind of mistake made by another auditor. So I came up with an idea that wouldn’t have made it too embarrassing for her. I sent her an email, not only reporting the mistake of the number, but asking a lot of questions about that project. As a result she realized her mistake and didn’t feel very bad because she was still an expert who could answer my difficult questions!

  點評12: “具有解決問題的能力”, 這是一個令面試官很感興趣的優點, 他將很樂于與你討論你是如何解決問題的!

  回答示范13: I am quite innovative. I would rather make a birthday card than buy one. My family likes the special dishes I cook. I’ve planned about half of the parties in my class, the “Mock Interview Competition” party proved so successful that it’s been followed by many other classes. Last year I helped an electronics shop owner to build a sales channel in our school. He is a relative of my classmate. When he asked us to hand out some advertisement sheets on campus, I told him that this is not at all an effective way of getting sales, and it might lead to a big fine for paper pollution because students litter that kind of sheet. I suggested that he hire some student agents among freshmen and sophomores because freshmen are the target customers and sophomores are keen to take a part-time job to make some extra money and to improve themselves. This suggestion proved very effective; what’s more, it even got the support from our school because it is seen as a way of getting work experience.

  點評13: “有創新思維”的確是個優點, 不過, 筆者并不建議應屆畢業生過多地強調自己的創造性思維, 用人單位往往更喜歡聽到諸如“腳踏實地”、 “兢兢業業”、 “責任感強”等等優點。原因很簡單, 應屆畢業生談創新, 往往停留在空談的階段。

  回答示范14: I have a great sense of responsibility, to society and to my work. For example I would shout if I see a thief putting his hand in others’ bags, though I only had one chance to do so because I had only witnessed stealing once. I immediately reported water leaking in public places. And I really dislike some girls for flushing the toilet before use though it looks clean. I don’t think such people will make good employees, because if they lack responsibility for society, they won’t be responsible for their work. I am always responsible for my work; if I don’t do it to my best I will feel guilty.

  點評14: “責任感強”, 好哇! 只要能夠有效證明自己的責任感的確很強, 這個優點永遠能為你增色不少。

  回答示范15: I am persistent. I have kept a diary since coming to college. I eat healthy food and do exercise as much as possible all these years. I worked for one student organization for three years instead of participating in many organizations.

  點評15: “做事持之以恒”, 這個優點對于某些流動性很大的職位來說, 具有致命的誘惑。

  回答示范16: I am good with my hands; as my parents put it, I have smart hands. At home it is my job to deal with all the minor troubles of water, electricity and gas utilities. At university I’ve scored very well in lab-based classes. I am good at web design and I’ve brought some of my designs with me today if you are interested. I believe I have advantages over some other candidates because I am good at dealing with machines.

  點評16: “動手能力很強”, 是應屆畢業生最能打動面試官的優點之一。

  三 What do you see as your weaknesses as an employee? 作為一名公司職員, 你覺得自己有什么缺點?

  問題分析: 中國面試官往往用這個提問來衡量申請人是否有自知之明或者開誠布公的勇氣, 外國面試官則往往更加注重這個問題的“后續問題”, 也就是, “你將如何避免因自己的缺點而影響工作質量?”

  回答示范1: I am not a great public speaker. When speaking in public I feel uncomfortable unless the topic is familiar. So I have to be well prepared before giving a presentation. As a matter of fact, I did lots of preparations for our interview today!

  點評1: “不善于在公開場合發表演講”, 的確是很多人的通病。不過, 現在越來越多的申請人“喜歡”上了這個回答, 造成了人力資源經理們的審美疲勞, 嗚呼! 筆者建議大家在這個答案上適當包裝, 這個申請人做得就很好, 他打趣說自己來面試前都做了充分的準備, 無疑會博得面試官展顏一笑。

  回答示范2: As a manager my weakness is being soft-hearted. Though being soft-hearted can be seen as a strength sometimes, it is also a major weakness for a manager does need to take tough measures, including decisions to fire. Compared with other team leaders I am too soft. As a result, my employees seem to be less disciplined, for example, late for a meeting. The good thing is that being soft also has its advantages: my employees never hesitate to communicate with me, which greatly improves work efficiency.

  點評2: “心腸太軟”, 對于經理層來講是個雙刃劍。

  回答示范3: Well, maybe my weakness sounds a little bit strange to you. I think my weakness is that I talk too much. I like to express my opinions. My classmates say I am bossy and like to show off. I’ve also noticed that I don’t listen enough because I am talking too much. So I write down a reminder on my notebook, “Listen more, speak less.” But interestingly enough, even when I feel I am speaking little my co-workers still pat my shoulder and say, “Susan, you are an active person!” The “talker” impression doesn’t go away easily.

  點評3: “說話太多, 甚至有點愛出風頭”, 其實是一個比較可愛的缺點。至少, 比招聘一個悶嘴葫蘆要強上百倍!

  回答示范4: I am pride of myself on being a“big picture” guy, but I have to admit I am not careful enough. Sometimes I make stupid date and number errors, like typing 2006 when it’s 2007! Once I forgot to final-check the microphone when I was in charge of the Welcome Party and it caused great panic when was found to be silent only half an hour before the show began. So I do love to hang out with the “detail” people. They can depend on me to make plans, and I can depend on them to remind me of the small details. When I can’t depend on others, I always depend on my notebook. I like to write things down in my notebook now, which is the best way to remember every important detail.

  點評4: “能看到事情的大框架, 有全局觀而忽視細節”, 確實有很多這樣的人。這個回答的亮點不在于此, 而在于他對自己缺點的彌補手段, 一方面他樂于和注重細節的人合作, 另一方面他選擇使用好記性不如爛筆頭的方法強迫自己注重細節。

  回答示范5: I do things in haste sometimes. I am eager to finish a task once I start doing it. It looks like a strength but it can be a big weakness at work. Haste makes waste. Great haste makes great waste. For example, when I started working for my current boss last year I once made a ridiculous mistake in an urgent report. I typed “shit out” instead of “try to” because the two phrases have exactly the same spelling in Chinese. So now I often remind myself: Do it right, Don’t do it over.

  點評5: “急躁而忙中出錯”, 通病也。

  回答示范6: I set unrealistic goals sometimes. For example, losing 10 kilograms in a month, or finishing typing a form in an hour. The truth is that I know they are hard to achieve even when I am setting them, but I can’t resist doing so because I need to be motivated by aiming high. But my boss sometimes criticizes me for being unrealistic when making plans.

  點評6: “制定不切實際的目標”, 的確是個缺點, 不過, 往往只有上進心強的人才會有這種缺點。

  回答示范7: Well, frankly speaking, I think I still need to be more professional. Sometimes I let my emotions affect my work. Last winter I lost a client because I didn’t look very enthusiastic when answering his inquiries. He went to another teller the next day when he opened an account in our bank. And he bought a ten thousand Yuan Lideying(an investment fund) immediately. This was a big lesson for me because it made me realize that I should learn to be at my best for any client, at any time. You know, I always look like an angel, no matter how difficult it is, because it will indeed help me to sell more products. You’ll never know when the customers decide to buy, hehe.

  點評7: 通常來說, 告訴面試官自己的職業化程度還不夠高是非常危險的做法, 但是, 這個申請人以最真誠的態度, 給出了一個很打動人的回答, 使得她在一群對自己的缺點欲說還羞的申請人中脫穎而出!

  回答示范8: I am too sensitive and spend too much time worrying about what others think about me. For example, I hesitate to speak out when I disagree with someone in fear of making him uncomfortable. So I have missed some chances to share my views and prove my abilities. I wish I could be more objective and more straightforward when dealing with people.

  點評8: “敏感, 過分關注別人對自己的看法”, 這的確是個不討人喜歡的缺點。不過, 對于一些容易臉紅說話柔聲細語的小姑娘, 這倒不失為一個好答案。如果你剛好是一個大老爺們或者陽剛小伙, 這個答案則會迅速讓十個人中的九個人討厭你。

  回答示范9: My weakness? I need pressure to work harder. This is my weak point. I tend to perform better when somebody is pushing me, or gives me a high goal. I really wish to work with a very demanding boss so he can give me the pressure I need.

  點評9: “需要壓力才能更努力”, 這是大家的通病!這個回答的點睛之處在于, 該申請人盼望著能遇上一個高標準嚴要求的老板, 從而督促自己更加努力地工作, 這是一個多么可愛的令用人單位求之不得的“受虐狂型”的應屆畢業生啊!

  回答示范10: I am likely to be influenced by the environment. I study hard when I find everybody else studying hard, and I start looking for a part-time job when I find others talking about how important it is! It would be great if I could join Ericsson, as I can be influenced by the high quality people here!

  點評10: “容易受到周圍人和事的影響, 所以盡量強迫自己和好人和好事在一起”, 回答得好!

  31. What factors in a work situation motivate you? 工作中有哪些因素能夠激勵你?

  問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官要捕捉的信息點是: 第一, 你是什么樣的人?能直截了當告訴面試官自己需要錢來激勵的申請人一定是比較爽直的人; 一個需要老板表揚的家伙一定自尊心很強, 等等。第二, 這份工作到底能否讓你滿意?

  回答示范: There are many, hehe, I’m easily motivated. Money; of course; is a key motivator. The sense of achievement also motivates me a lot, say, winning honors, being praised by boss, clients and colleagues. In addition, pressure can provide motivation for me, too.

  點評: 很全面的回答, 體現出申請人的幾大優點: 第一, 實話實說自己喜歡錢; 第二, 自己是個容易被鼓舞的人, 要知道面試官最怕招聘進來一個不愛錢財、不愛美人的冷面人, 不愛吃胡蘿卜的驢不可能好好拉磨; 第三, 自己是個好勝心很強的人, 喜歡獲得獎勵獲得老板與客戶的認可; 第四, 自己不怕壓力。











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