我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-08-14 17:23:44 青春勵志 我要投稿


  《左耳》是2014年北京光線影業有限公司與江蘇譯林影視文化傳媒有限公司聯合出品的一部青春電影,由蘇有朋導演,陳都靈、歐豪、楊洋、胡夏、馬思純等主演。 該片改編自饒雪漫同名小說《左耳》,主要講述了李珥、張漾、許弋、黎吧啦等一群擁有不同性格的年輕人的青春疼痛故事。下面是其經典臺詞:


  1. 左耳是靠近心臟最近的地方,甜言蜜語,說給左耳聽。

  Say something sweet to the left ear because it is nearer to the heart.

  2. 愛對了是愛情,愛錯了是青春。

  The right person left you a sweet love while the wrong person left you a bitter puberty.

  3. 我還是相信,星星會說話、石頭會開花,穿過夏天的木柵欄和冬天的`風雪之后,你終會抵達。

  I still believe that stars can talk and stones can blossom. After going through the fence of summer and the snow of winter, you will eventually arrive.

  4. 人生一場戲接一場戲,只要上了臺,在戲沒有演完之前,誰都別想下臺。否則你將付出慘重的代價。

  Life is all about acting over and over again. Once you step on the stage, never think about stepping off before the end of the show. Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price.

  5. 就算與全世界為敵,也不委屈自己。

  Be nice to yourself even if you make an enemy of the whole world.

  6. 喜歡的歌,靜靜的聽,喜歡的人,遠遠的看。

  I enjoy listening to my favorite songs quietly and looking at my favorite person distantly.

  7. 時光只會老去,但時光從不會欺騙我們。

  Time only elapses but never cheats us.

  8. 一盞燈還亮著,但一首歌已經唱完了,一場戲還沒散場,但一份愛已經走到了盡頭!

  A song has been finished while the light is still on; a love story has come to its end while the drama hasn’t been over.

  9. 對不起是你的解脫,不代表我要原諒你的過錯。

  Saying sorry may get you off the hook but it doesn’t mean my forgiveness of your fault.

  10. 有些事,有些人,不是真的想忘記,就一定會忘記。

  Some events and some people will keep haunting your minds, even if you truly want to forget them.

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