Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 是八年級教材的起始單元,起著承上啟下的作用,在七年級所學內容的基礎上,進一步學習和運用一般現在時,表活動頻率的功能句How do you ...?及相關詞匯。 Section B 1a---2c 是在對Section A 進行了感知和體驗的基礎上,更進一步落實聽,說,寫的訓練,從而達到學以至用的目的。
詞匯:學習并掌握 junk food , milk ,coffee , chip , cola , chocolate , drink , health , how many , interviewer.
功能句:學習并掌握 How often ...? It's good for . . .?
2) 能力目標
運用所學詞匯,短語,及句型 進行自由交際的能力。
3. 教學重點
詞匯:junk food , milk , coffee, chocolate , drink , health .
功能句:How often . . . ? It's good for . . .
。矗 教學難點
1. 詞匯教學時,采用圖片及實物等直觀教學法,直觀形象,易于接受。
2. 功能句How often . . . ?練習和運用,采用情景交際和任務教學法。教師創設情景,分配任務;學生自主探究,小組合作,從而學習,掌握并運用功能句進行交際的能力。
3. 聽力訓練時, 指導學生先感知問題,再有目的的去聽。根據學生聽的情況,適當調整聽的速度,確保聽的效果。
環節1 熱身與復習
1.Word competition
2. Free talk
3---5組同學,運用Section A所學知識,進行自由對話,其余同學認真聽,并根據聽的內容進行問答或轉述。
環節2 1a
1. Learn the new words
以舊引新,利用實物和圖片教學新詞匯 junk food , milk ,coffee , chip , cola, chocolate , drink
2. Look and match
Match the words with the pictures. Ss do by themselves , then check the answers .
3.Read and write the new words .
環節3 1b
1. Presentation
Show a picture of milk and ask the students
T:Do you like milk ?
Ss:Yes , I do .
T:How often do you drink milk ?
Ss:I drink it every day / morning / night/ twice a day 。。。
當有學生說I never drink it 。 I don’t like it 。老師可以說 I want you to drink milk 。 It’s good for your health 。Drinking milk is good for our health 。
板書 want sb. to do sth. 和 be good for
2. Practice
Read the conversation in 1b , understand the meaning of " want sb. to do sth. " and " be good for " , Let the students make sentences .
Talk about the pictures in 1a in pairs .
Make up their own conversations in pairs
Show in pairs .
環節4 2a
' Read the questions and the answers .
2. Listen and circle .
Firs t just listen , then listen and circle .
環節5 2b
1. Prepare
Read the questions quickly . 目的是能抓住要聽的主旨,,便于快速準確地捕捉要聽的信息。
2.Listen and fill in the blanks
First listen and write ,then listen and check .
因為在2 中已經聽兩遍了,所以,這一環節可以邊聽邊寫,再聽檢查。要根據學生聽的情況,適當調整聽的速度。
3.Listen and repeat , and then read by themselves.
環節6 2c
Imagine the teacher is a interviewer, one student is Katrina or Jim . Make a interview.
2. Students work in pairs .
3. Students show in pairs .
4.Interview a student about his / her family , using " How often does your mother /father . . . ?
The questions and the answers in 2c can help you .
5. Ss work in a group of four .
環節7 Writing
1. Discuss the questions in groups.
Why Katrina is healthy ?
Is Bill healthy ? Why?
How to keep healthy ?
2. Write a passage
3. Some students read their passages .
設置這一環節的目的,是把聽和說的訓練落實到寫上, 同時讓同學們明白,只有養成良好的生 活 習慣 ,才能保持身體健康。
環節8 Summary
1. Ask the students to sum up the words and the sentences .
2. Add: Drinking milk is good for our health .
Eating too much junk food is bad for our heath.
環節9 Homework
1.Remember the words ,phrases and the sentences。
課下采訪你喜歡的老師, 記下他/她 的性格愛好, 起居時間,飲食習慣, 運動頻率等。 寫一篇70 詞左右的短文。
四。 板書設計
板書是無聲的語言,卻是一堂課 重點知識的呈現,是課堂教學不可缺少的重要環節。板書要求安排合理,書寫規范,突出實用性。我的板書設計是這樣的:
Unit1 How often do you exercise? Section B 1a----2c
junk food chocolate How often do you eat vegetables?
milk drink Every day .
coffee health My mother wants me to drink it .
cola how many It' s good for your health .
chip three or four times a day Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.