我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-03-29 18:02:25 經典語錄 我要投稿




  1) 我不怕磨難多,因為那是上天在嫉妒我們的愛太美。

  I am not afraid of hardships, for it is the beauty that God is jealous of us.

  2) 能說不能做,不是真的智慧。

  can say can not do, not true wisdom.

  3) 成功就是在你堅持不下去的時候,再堅持一下。

  success is when you can't stick to it, then stick to it.

  4) 人生不容許你任性,接受現實,好好努力。

  life should not allow you to be capricious, accept the reality, and make a good effort.

  5) 想過去是雜念,想未來是妄想,最好把握當下時刻。

  think of the past is a misunderstanding, think of the future is a delusion, it is best to grasp the moment.

  6) 只有自己變得強大,才不會被別人踐踏。

  only oneself become strong, can not be trampled by others.

  7) 愛自己的最好方式,就是努力奮斗讓自己優秀起來。

  the best way to love yourself is to work hard to make yourself excellent.

  8) 認真付出過的感情在日后回想起來,連吵過的架都彌足珍貴。

  8) efforts over the feelings in retrospect in Japan, even had the frame is precious.


  people can endure all the hardships and adapt to all circumstances with their faith and pursuit.

  10) 我們中的大多數人都不能活在自己夢想的生活里,因為我們都活在自己的恐懼中。

  most of us cannot live in the life of our dreams, because we are all living in our own fears.

  11) 生命本沒有高低貴賤之分,任何時候都不要隨意看輕自己。

  in this life there is no distinction or distinction, any time don't underestimate yourself.

  12) 人生的旅途中,會有一段路需要自己走,一些事需要自己扛。扛得下你就贏。

  in the journey of life, there will be a road that needs to be taken by yourself, and some things need to be carried by yourself. You will win when you carry it.

  13) 人生每天都是現場直播,不僅收視率低,而且收費不高。

  life is live every day, not only low ratings, but also not high fees.

  14) 我的青春還在繼續再多荊棘也要向前奔跑。

  my youth is still continuing to run more thorns.

  15) 人之所以活得累,是因為放不下架子,撕不開面子,解不開情節。

  the reason why people are tired is because they can not put on the shelf, tear the face, and do not solve the plot.

  16) 成長中不計后果的那段,叫做青春。

  the growth of the consequences of that section, called youth.

  17) 世上沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。

  there is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate for the situation.

  18) 哪怕此刻的生活有多糟糕,也總會有好轉的一天。

  even if life is so bad at the moment, there will always be a better day.

  19) 神要是公然去跟人作對,那是任何人都難以對付的。

  if God blatantly goes against people, it is hard for anyone to deal with.

  20) 要么你去駕馭生命,要么是生命駕馭你,你的心態決定誰是坐騎,誰是騎師。心態的不同必然導致人格和作為的不同,因而也會譜寫不同的人生。

  either you control life, either to control your life, your attitude will decide who is the horse rider who is. The difference of mind will inevitably lead to the difference of personality and as a result, and it also compose a different life.

  21) 花謝風雨過后,花開陽光依舊。

  after the rain and rain, the flowers bloom in the sun.

  22) 機遇永遠是準備好的人得到的。

  the opportunity is always got by the ready man.

  23) 要克服生活的焦慮和沮喪,得先學會做自己的主人。

  to overcome the anxiety and depression of life, you must learn to be the master of your own first.

  24) 人生本來就是一盤棋就看你是當棋手還是棋子。

  life is a chess game to see if you are a chess player or a chess player.

  25) 生活就像連續劇,你不往后看,永遠都不知道結局。

  life is like a series, you don't look back, you never know the end.

  26) 你現在擁有的,你應該加倍珍惜。

  what you have now, you should treasure it twice.

  27) 你想成為幸福的`人嗎?但愿你首先學會吃得起苦。

  do you want to be a happy person? I hope you first learn to eat bitterness.

  28) 成功是分兩半的,一半在上帝手中,那是宿命;另一半在自己手中,那是拼命。

  success is divided in half, half in the hands of God, that is fate; the other half in his own hands, that is desperately.

  29) 活著不是靠淚水,搏取同情而是靠汗水獲得掌聲。

  not live by the tears, to gain sympathy but by sweat to get applause.

  30) 奮力自強,崛起夢想。

  strive for self-improvement and rise to a dream.

  31) 成功源于不懈的努力。

  success stems from unremitting efforts.

  32) 有時候對自己說努力吧加油吧,倒不如一句知足吧來得安慰。

  sometimes it is better to say a word of comfort to yourself.

  33) 河流之所以能夠到達目的地,是因為它懂得怎樣避開障礙。

  the river is able to reach its destination because it knows how to avoid obstacles.

  34) 說過的話一定要做到,哪怕是很愚蠢的,也總比言而無信的好。

  said we must do, even if it is very stupid, but also better than those of the good.

  35) 可以失敗。可以哭鬧。但是不能失去對自己的勇氣和信心。

  can fail. You can cry. But you can't lose your courage and confidence in yourself.

  36) 追求得到之日即其終止之時,尋覓的過程亦即失去的過程。

  the process of seeking is lost when it comes to the end of the day.

  37) 珍惜生活,上帝還讓你活著,就肯定有他的安排。

  cherish life, God also lets you live, there must be his arrangement.

  38) 正是這些平凡的人生,卻構成了偉大的歷史。

  it is these ordinary lives that constitute a great history.

  39) 所有目標都是黑暗的,只有行動才與光明相伴!

  all the goals are dark, only action is accompanied by light.

  40) 腳跟立定后,你必須拿你自己的力量和技能奮斗。

  after the heel is established, you must struggle with your own strength and skills.

  41) 前有阻礙,奮力把它沖開,運用炙熱的激情,轉動心中的期待,血在澎湃,吃苦流汗算什么。

  in front of obstacles, to put it down, the use of hot passion, turn the expectation in the heart, the blood surging, sweating is what hardship.

  42) 沒有口水與汗水,就沒有成功的淚水。

  without saliva and sweat, there is no tears of success.

  43) 不管你信不信,對于別人說話的時候,盡量認真聽,仔細回應,這是對人的尊重。

  whether you believe it or not, when you speak to others, try to listen carefully and respond carefully, which is a respect for people.

  44) 生活,不是誰都能滿足旳。但昰能健康旳活著已經很幸運了!

  life, not everyone can meet. But you can be healthy and alive have been very lucky!

  45) 生活在于經歷,不在于平米;富裕在于感悟,也不在于別墅。

  life lies in experience, not in plain rice; affluence lies in perception, and not in villas.

  46) 我們都有著愛的殘疾,總是讓我們痛苦不已。

  we all have the disability of love, which always makes us miserable.

  47) 如果說這一切都是奢望,我又為何不笑著面對。

  if all this is extravagant, why don't I smile.

  48) 志在山頂的人,不會貪念山腰的風景。

  aim at the top of the mountain, mountain scenery is not greed.

  49) 如果你看到面前的陰影,別怕,那是因為你的背后有陽光。

  if you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it's because of the sun behind you.

  50) 男人,就算年輕時候在叛逆在灑脫遲早會努力奮斗為一個女人。

  men, even when they are young in rebellion, will work hard to be a woman sooner or later.











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