春花爛漫 青翠欲滴 克以奉公 甜美無比 甘甜適口 余味無窮 滴滴汗水 綠肥紅瘦 果實累累 果實肥碩 果香誘人 果實飽滿 果甜瓜香 果肥汁甜 果園飄香 碩果滿園 碩果累累 紅果滿枝 藕斷絲連 披紅抹綠 千山一碧 萬山叢中 千姿百態(tài) 山石壯膽 山明水秀 山清水秀 山高樹茂 谷下有谷 青山綠水 青海青山 奇山秀水 峰上有峰 清逸秀麗 寸草不生 聳立云霄 云霧纏繞 奇峰聳立 巍然屹立 山勢雄偉 群山簇立 千山萬嶺 初夏時節(jié) 已近立夏 時值初夏 初夏之際 春去夏來
春末夏初 時當下令 時值盛夏 正值盛夏 夏天過去
正值炎夏 正值盛暑 盛夏時節(jié) 盛夏之季 盛夏之日
盛夏季節(jié) 酷暑季節(jié) 酷暑盛夏 盛暑炎夏 溽暑酷夏
溽暑盛夏 炎炎盛夏 五黃六月 時值六月 正值三伏
熱在三伏 盛夏三伏 三伏暑天 三伏盛暑 大暑酷去
伏梢末盡 已是夏末 多雨季節(jié) 陰雨季節(jié) 夏收季節(jié)
春種夏收 夏收夏種 夏收大忙 夏陽酷暑 六月炎暑
夏日炎炎 夏日可畏 太陽毒辣 太陽毒熱 烈日中天
赤日炎炎 夏日炎熱 盛暑炎炎 夏意正濃 夏山如碧
夏樹蒼翠 夏水湯湯 暑月蟬鳴 繁星 天星 寒星 孤星 晨星 星星 星斗 星座 星云 星球 銀星 晶瑩 眨眼 流星
星河 萬點繁星 群星燦爛 星星點點 眾星捧月 繁星點點 疏星淡月 星光燦爛 稀稀疏疏
星羅棋布 曉星下沉 殘星幾點 曉星閃爍 河外星云 河內(nèi)星云 明星熒熒 銀河漸現(xiàn)
北斗高懸 五星交會 眾星拱月 滿天星斗 繁星閃爍 閃光的星星 亮晶晶的星星 疏疏落落的星星
天真爛漫 無憂無慮 自由自在 幼稚可笑 挺胸碘肚 牙牙學語 嘻嘻哈哈 你追我趕 抱頭鼠竄 逃之夭夭 窮追猛打 亂作一團 雞飛狗跳 雞犬不寧 自以為是 屏聲息氣 尖聲尖氣 指手畫腳 油腔滑調(diào) 撒嬌賣乖 東跑西顛 愛不釋手 忍俊不禁 呆頭呆腦 愣頭愣腦 玩耍嬉戲 裝聾作啞 裝腔作勢 裝模裝樣 若無其事 調(diào)皮搗蛋 滿身泥漿 追來逐去 大發(fā)脾氣 吵鬧不休 舞刀弄棍 甕中捉鱉 胸有成竹 得心應手 隨心所欲 左右逢源 歡呼雀躍 嬉水
He and his partner who retreated behind the veil, which was headed by Colonel Dent, in a semicircle of chairs and sat down. One of the men, Mr. Eshton, noticed me, as if I suggested I should join them, but Mrs. Ingram immediately rejected his proposal.
In May 1st, about five in the afternoon, I went to the house of Gates head, before I go to see the advanced mansion. It was very clean and neat, decorative windows hung with little white curtains, floor spotless, and the stove grate are polished, bright flame burning stove. Bessie sat on the hearth, feeding a child as young, Robert and her sister in the corner playing make no reply.
After a long time, the tabernacle was opened again. The second act is more carefully prepared than the first act. As I was before, the living room has a pad of two steps higher than the dining room in the living room on the top level after one or two yards, placed a large marble basin, I know that it is an ornament in the greenhouse, usually inside the possessor of a goldfish, surrounded by exotic flowers -- large volume, heavy weight, moved here must have spent a lot of trouble.
When I entered the door, the library looked quiet, and the witch, if she did, sat comfortably in an easy chair in the corner of the chimney. She wore a red cloak, wearing a black bonnet, or rather wide brimmed gipsy hat, with a striped handkerchief tied to the chin. There was a extinguished candle on the table. She leaned toward the fire by the fire seemed to read a prayer book like a little black book, read, like most old woman, murmuring. When I entered the door, she did not immediately put down the book, as if she wanted to finish a paragraph.
The silence of the night was broken through and ease of Thornfield Hall a wild, piercing scream.
A party again laid their heads together apparently they have displayed on the scene of a word or a word or two, unable to agree. Their spokesman, Colonel Dent, was going to show "the whole scene," and the curtain fell again.
His manner is very polite, but the tone of his speech sounds strange - not a full foreign accent, but it is not entirely British. His age is similar to that of Mr. Rochester - between thirty and forty. His complexion was especially gray, or he would be a handsome man, especially at first. Look carefully and you'll find that there is something unpleasing on his face, or something that can't be liked. His five senses are very standard, but they are too slack. His eyes are big and pleasing to the eye, but from angry with, but boring -- at least I think so.
Mr. Rochester opened the thick window, set off the linen curtain, as far as possible to let the moonlight come into the house. I was both surprised and happy to see the dawn coming. The beautiful bouquet of rose color was beginning to illuminate the east of the sky! Then Mr. Rochester approached Mason, when the surgeon had been treating him.
The old woman broke out a laugh under his hat and tape. Then he took out a short chimney, lit up the smoke, and began to smoke. After indulging in this sedative for a while, she straightened up the waist, picked up the chimney from her mouth and stared at the fire, staring at the fire. He said, "you are cold, you are sick; you are silly."
I usually pull the curtains to sleep, and then back to forget, forgot to let down the blinds. The result, a bright full moon (because that day the night is very good), along its orbit, I came to the window across the sky, through a naked window peeping at me, with her beautiful eyes woke me up. In the dead of night, I opened my eyes and saw the clear, silvery, round face of the moon. It is beautiful but too solemn. I owe half naked, reached out and pulled the curtains aside mantle.
The strangest thing is that no one in the house noticed her habits except me, or seemed to be surprised at that. No one talked about her status or work, and no one had pity on her loneliness.
I did what he told me. The guests stared at me through the middle of them. I found Mr. Mason, passed the message, walked in front of him and left the room. When he led him into the library, I went upstairs.
But if you can't avoid it, you have to put up with it. It is a sign of weakness and stupidity that it is impossible to endure what is meant to be endured.
My pulse stopped, my heart stopped beating, my outstretched arm froze. The call disappeared, and no more. Indeed, no matter who issued such a terrible cry, scream not immediately repeat, Andes is the great winged vultures, also is in the clouds so high, even called twice. The noise of the scream had to be slow to get the strength to shout again.
Flowers from the leaves below his head, there is snow lotus, saffron, purple primroses, golden eyed pansies. Now, we take a half day off every Thursday afternoon to go out for a walk, and we will find lovable flowers open next to the path and under the fence.
I felt a strange sense of freedom and triumph that I had never had, as if I had broken the bondage of the invisible, and finally fought for the unexpected freedom.
I continued to drink my coffee when I took a close look at the letter (we were eating breakfast). The coffee was hot, and I looked at the sudden blush on my face as it was. But why is my hand shaking, why I can't help spilt a half cup of coffee on the plate, and I don't want to think about it.
Later, when you think you have a crush on Mr. Rochester, put the two picture out comparison.
In this case, I had to listen and listen to contemplation, there is no devil beast or nest in the movement there. But since Mr Rochester came after, it seems to have been withered. All night I just heard three sound, the three time interval between long -- a sharp creak, once again sounded a dog like voice, a man's deep groan.
I gave her a shilling. She took out an old stocking out of her pocket, put the coin in, tied it with socks, and put it back. She gave me out my hand, and I did. She put her face close to my palm, looked at it, but did not touch it.
"Since happiness has been irrevocably deprived from me, I have the right to be happy in my life!" "so you will be further depraved. And, sir, there is a bitterness in that pleasure. "
I don't like the same idea over and over again - I don't like the strange appearance of the same image. When I was about to go to bed and the hallucination was about to appear, I was embarrassed. Because of the baby in this dream, I heard a cry and woke up on that night. I was called down the second afternoon and sent a message to me that someone wanted to see me in Mrs. Fairfax's room. I arrived there, I saw a gentleman servant man waiting for me, he was dressed in mourning, holding hands with a ring of black hat.
Leah shook his head, and the conversation ended. From here I can guess what it is: there is a secret at Thornfield, and I was deliberately excluded from this secret.
If God gave me wealth and beauty, I would make you difficult to leave me, just as I can't leave you now. God didn't do this, but our soul is equal. It's like the two of us walking through the grave, standing at the feet of God, equal to each other -- we are.
Do you think I will be of little importance to stay here? Do you think I am an emotionless robot? Do you think because I am poor, humble, not the United States, such as small, I have no soul and no heart? You are wrong, you and I have as much soul as full heart. If God gave me a little beauty and a lot of money, I would have made it difficult for you to leave me as if I could not leave you now. I am not talking to you with the rules of social life and custom, but my soul talking to your heart.
I went back to the room, found a sponge from the basin, found the salt from the drawer, and returned to the road. He was still waiting, holding the key in his hand. He approached one of the small black doors, ed the key into the lock, and stopped to talk to me.