英文電影觀后感 篇1
Nowadays, in the quiet, peaceful and holy West-Tibet, Tibetan antelope has become a symbol. However, their survival history has left an indelible mark on us, along with the selfless, fearless, amiable and respectable Hoh Xil Mountain Patrol Team. We cant forget the mark left by the black age. As the saying goes, "Never forget the past, let us walk into the time full of killing but leaving permanent stain.
In 1960s, peoples consumption of Tibetan antelopes increased sharply, and the direct consequence was the extinction of Tibetan antelopes-their number dropped sharply from one million to less than 10,000 in just a few years. However, the protection consciousness of the government at that time was extremely weak. When the Tibetan antelope was in danger, the devout Tibetan people formed the Hoh Xil mountain patrol team completely spontaneously. However, it originated from the folk, and they did not compile it. However, they all shared a common belief: our sheep cant be destroyed, and our symbols cant be lost.
英文電影觀后感 篇2
This winter, I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors.
Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood.
In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship."
I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinsons rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!
英文電影觀后感 篇3
What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened forthe last whole year?
Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning whenshe woke up,she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’sbirthday,also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memorybefore Sunday,so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did onSunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meetingHenry,she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night,he became a stranger to her. She couldn’t even recognize he was the one she usedto date and love everyday. Henry tried his best to give her a new differentmeeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Henrymade her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day beforeand the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she wokeup everyday. On the same day,she always had the same deep gratitude to faceHenry with her sweet smile.
What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to alwaysappreciate each other’s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman anda devoted man taught all of us,normal people,the essence of love. When twopeople can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did foreach other on first date,love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy’sside,people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and bee critical oftheir partners day by day,while people without memory will feel grateful fortheir life and the people around them everyday.
In the movie,when one day Lucy decided to break up with Henry to let himrebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes,I cried for Henry’sbroken heart. For her,it was just one day feeling. For him,it was long-termaffection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love.On Henry’s side,people with memory will always remember the past happiness andtreasure it for the rest of their life,while people without memory will easilygive up at the end of the same day.
英文電影觀后感 篇4
The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring
This story is talk about the most powerful ring of the world.It happens inanother places where was written by the famous writer in the UK——J.R.R.Tolkien.
In that place,there has a race called Shire.There lived a Hobbit namedBilbo Baggins.He had a beautiful and powerful ring.But,it can leads someone whohad it to go to the wrong way and made someone to be evil.His friends,Gandalf,Grey Pilgrim,and the White Rider knows that.And he advise Bilbo to giveup the ring,and give it to his nephew——Frodo Baggins to detroy it.Frodo togetherwith his three friends meet the els,the dwarfs and the man to talk about thatwho will go with Frodo and his friends.Finally,Gandalf,Aragorn (the realking),and a man a dwarf a els will go.
For all the roles,I like the Gandalf best.Although he very powerful,but helikes to discover new things.Just like he enjoy smoking because of Hobbit.He iskind,brave humorous and clever.He always want to protect the others even theprice is die.He fights with the monster from the ancient to make the othersrunning away.But he falls from the cliff.So he dead.I like him I want to besomeone like him although I was not very strong and had no power.But I stillwant to protect someone who I loved. It’s really a good film
The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers
It is the sequel of the Fellowship of the Ring.The story has bee muchbetter and better.
They are mulling three ways.One is Frodo Baggins and his friend Sam.Theystill on the way to the Mordor to destroy the ring.They meet the Guru.BilboBaggins stealed it from Guru when he was young.Guru wants to steal again but hedon’t know this power he can’t control.Guru always thinks that the rings belongshim.He wants it so he trys to help Frodo.One is Frodo another twofriends.Gandalf send him to the ents’s family to against the Saruman,the evilman.One is Gandalf.He leads the Aragorn and two man to fight the orcs.They wonthe battle.
By now,I have to say a things about the Gandalf.He falls fromm the cliffbut he didn’t die at once.He fights the monster from here to there.He killed themonster and dead.The Gandalf in gray was dead,but the Gandalf in white wasborn.He became much more powerful.It’s really cool.I have to say.My favouriteroles still was him.
英文電影觀后感 篇5
Personally speaking,I think Leonardo DiCaprio’s look in this movie is hisbest look ever,even beats his look in the sensational blockbuster Titanic.DiCaprio was at his best age when he
played as Romeo in this film and he turns out to be the perfect incarnationof the perfectly romantic,enigmatic and somehow charmingly hysterical youngRomeo. Claire Danes may not be the most beautiful Juliet,but she interpretsperfectly the image of an infatuated young girl in her first love. I can neverforget the scene when they first meet at the ball. The image of them lookinginto each other’s eyes through the aquarium with the mesmerized smile on each oftheir faces takes your breath away with the magical atmosphere of love at thefirst sight.
When their passion stark naked,you may laugh: they joy out easy wit,Elizabeth era,the tone of the English deduce this period of psychedelic tragedystory.
The main mysterious in Shakespeares value from the Revelations of thedrama,for the most simple and is the most plicated person see of,verycharming,have some mysterious power.
But there are many places,such as insufficient wear help lens: romeo knewwhen news of Juliets death,his shirt was buttoned,and then opened,then is thebuckle up.
英文電影觀后感 篇6
The box office exceeded 1 billion in three days, breaking 11 film history records. The film Changjin Lake amazed the Chinese people. After watching the film, the mood can't be calm for a long time. The forward-looking decision of the Party Central Committee to aid Korea of "one punch to open, lest a hundred punches come", the tragic and shocking battle scenes, the heroic spirit of Chinese soldiers, the supreme glory and firm belief, always linger in my mind.
"If we don't fight this war, we have to fight the next generation.". This is the voice of the soldiers who survived the war of liberation. In order to create a peaceful environment without war and aggression for future generations, they have no hesitation to abandon their wives and children, their parents and embarked on the battlefield of gunfire again. Facing the advanced equipment of the military and the freezing living environment of minus 40 degrees, they have shown the ambition, perseverance and courage of the Chinese people. Even the military has to admit: "in the face of such determined enemies, we will never defeat them".
Changjin lake not only has a distinctive patriotic theme, but also has originality in artistry. When the ice sculptures of volunteer soldiers frozen to death appeared, when Lei Gong's flesh and blood were blurred and he shouted "I'm in pain" before his sacrifice, and when the film described the delicious food of the Army and the scene of volunteers chewing hard potatoes and breaking their teeth by comparison, it not only made people cry and sad, but also made Chinese people living in a peaceful environment more respect martyrs and heroes, And cherish the peaceful life now.
At this time, I just want to sincerely bow to the most lovely person.
英文電影觀后感 篇7
"Butterfly Effect" Ivan once had a bad childhood, because his behavior caused a great disaster and made his childhood full of memories. In fact, he did only vaguely remember some terrible scenes, which have been pestering his normal life. Ivan accepted the psychologist's suggestion and wrote down his trivial life in his notebook, only to find that he returned to the past through his notebook.
《蝴蝶效應》伊萬以往有一個糟糕的童年,因為他行為闖下了大禍,令他童年充滿不堪回憶的往事。而事實上,他確實只是依稀記得一點可怕的情景, 這些情景一向糾纏著他的正常生活。伊萬理解心理學家提議,把瑣碎生活記在記事本里,卻偶然發現經過記事本回到過去。
Then he remembered clearly that he had done so many wrong things in his childhood. He fantasized about using his present consciousness to infiltrate into his childhood to make up for the harm caused by various mistakes, especially hoping to finally walk back together with Kathy, who had a crush on him. However, his changes across time and space can only lead to more and more irremediable changes in the real world. Everything is like a butterfly effect, pulling one hair and moving the whole body.
英文電影觀后感 篇8
This is a ture story of a young man,Brad Cohen.He is a great orator,a great teacher and a great writer.For such a man,we think he is successful.
For now it’s ture.but in his childhood,he is not successful. This film is about his childhood.Brad Cohen is the held who was born with a disease called Tourette syndrome.At the beigning,The held’s father can’t put up with his bad diseases for he is just always making terrible noise wherever he is.When taking the classes the teacher telles him not to making thenoises,but he can’t help it.So everyone hate him except his mother.His mother always encourage him but it can’t help he escape the pain.Until one day his headmaster told everyone in his school realized the reason for his behavior.At this moment,Brad Cohen have a deram that everyone think he can’t success.This dream is he want to be a teacher. When he gruated form a famous college.Find a job is a big challenge.Although this is difficule,he did it.He find a job and a girlfriend. So this film tell us neer give up whatever matter yu have met,trease your life is the most important,your life will never fade if you keep on trying .
Life is like a box of chocolate,you will never know what you take next.
英文電影觀后感 篇9
The moral issues proposed by artificial intelligence
In the movie,a diversity of robots were created to meet humans need. Andwhen the first robot with emotion like humans is going to be produced,someoneraised a question: what responsibility should human take for robots who arecreated to love human? In fact,its really a great challenge in traditionalmorality.
What happens if we begin to create a robot that is capable to love likesus? It means that we would be more struggling to regard robot as an animatelives or just a tool to feet our needs,especially an intelligent object justcries and laughs exactly like us. The two choices represent two divergentattitudes towards robot. Emotionally,its natural for people to regard robotswho are so similar to us as our friends or families,even closer than pets. Theyboth have feelings and emotion. For intelligent robots with emotion,they work,talk,and even love as we do. However,rationally,robots are just artificialmachines designed by human,and made to serve us,which give human a greatappetency to control and rule them,using as slaves or even tools. Apparently,its difficult to tell which attitude is right definitely for now. For the reasonthat,when there is a novel controversial object shaping in the process oftechnology,traditional morality tends to wake and needs to develop.
英文電影觀后感 篇10
Toady I want to share something about a new film this year named PacificRim . As a standard Hollywood film,it quiet hot before it came out and it isbelieved that Pacific Rim will surely be a hit just as Avatar and 2012.
However,after it came out and everyone rushed into the theater,we onlyfind that it just like another Independence Day. But this time the alien arefrom the deep ocean not the space. So its predictable plotting really made mesick.
In terms of scenes,it dose have an exciting and fantastic scenes,just asother science-fictiony movies. But with the development and dissemination of thetechnology,these special effects are mon to the audience. It is not themonopoly of Hollywood film. So it is very important to have interesting plot andprofound meaning.
Unfortunately,I didn’t see any active meaning in this film but learningEnglish is important for all the pilots that can not speak English were killedor defeated. Although there are many countries in the film but all the monstersare killed but several American.
At first,many Chinese audiences are glad to find something about China inthe film. The battlefield was also in Hong Kong. And many machines were made byChina,but it can not conceal the arrogance of the American. They are still inthe dream that they are the hero of the world.
In the movie,Chinese people used the body of the monster as medicine andsold these things. The Chinese robot is the largest and need more pilots,but inthe battle the robot was defeated by one hit while American robot seemed to beimmortal. It made me feel unfortable while seeing these scenes. When all saidand done,it is made by American.
In the past,Hollywood film were very popular around the world relying onthe advancement of puter technique. But people have bee resistant to it afterwatching so many similar scenes. It is impossible to suit the audiences’ tasteif a film doesn’t show fantastic imagination and moving contents.
英文電影觀后感 篇11
On national day, with the recommendation of my teachers and the guidance of my parents, I came down to the starry sky cinema in Times Square to watch Changjin lake.
I looked excited before watching. I still have half an hour to see! Half an hour later, the film began. I saw and understood the origin of the changjianghu war. One is that North Korea fought with the United States to help South Korea launch a comprehensive war of aggression against North Korea. Because of the urgency and the threat to the newly born new China, we had to launch a war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, which hit changjianghu.
Watching, I felt my blood boiling. After watching, I think the most meaningful sentence inside is "if an egg is knocked from the outside, it is doomed to be eaten. If it is pecked from the inside, it may be an eagle." yes, it's up to you to choose whether you are the food eaten by the eagle or the eagle eating the food!
The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea not only laid a foundation for the development and prosperity of new China, but also won time for the growth of new China.
英文電影觀后感 篇12
All of us must allocate 24 hours a day to our work and personal life. Work and family don’t “balance” automatically.
Andy got her new job in Runway fashion magazine. And her personal life was begun to be hanged by a thread because of her busy work. Her boss Miranda was famous for being
unpredictable and perfectionist. Andy was Miranda’s second assistant. She must complete nearly impossible tasks with constant trepidation of Miranda’s wrath and be Miranda’s beck and call 24/7. Andy worked hard and got promotion then. But in order to complete her work, she neglected her lover, her friends and her families. She almost lost her boyfriend Nate. Luckily, she found that friends and families are more important than my job before everything was too late to retrieve. So, she quitted the job restart with families and friends’ support. I think Andy did right choice at last, because families and friends are more important than work.
Though we try to balance work and family, we have to admit that imbalance is sometimes inevitable. We can balance the two by arranging our time reasonably and working effectively. Also, we should talk to our families and friends often, trying for their understanding and support. Finally, we need to realize that we work hard for better lives. But without families and friends, we won’t be happy anymore, and nobody can share our success.
英文電影觀后感 篇13
"Seeing my comrades-in-arms, walking on a journey, silent tears, camel bells ringing in my ears ..." Looking at Assembly, I unconsciously remembered this song "Camel Bell".
"Beeping ..." The film was kicked off by a gun shot. The 9 th Company of the 139 th Regiment of the Second Division of the Central Plains Field Army successfully defeated the enemy, but the instructor was killed by the enemy. The company commander Gu Zidi ignored the consequences of violating military discipline and ordered his men to shoot the captive leader. After that, Gu Zidi was severely disciplined.
Gu Zidi, the company commander, killed the captives in spite of punishment for the sake of his comrades-in-arms friendship. He would rather be severely punished for the sake of his dead brother, which deeply touched me.
The second war of resistance began. Before the enemy's first attack, the soldiers nervously prepared sacks, explosive packs and other items. Suddenly, the enemy unexpectedly gave the soldiers a hateful artillery shell, and then attacked crazily. After repelling the enemy's first attack, the two soldiers saw that the company commander's watch was broken, and risked their lives to enter the enemy's corpse to find the watch for the company commander. At the moment of obtaining the watch, a bullet penetrated a soldier's chest. Although the soldier was dying, he still moved his body step by step to get the watch that had been left on the ground with the expectant eyes. When the watch was finally in hand, the soldier closed his eyes with confidence.
英文電影觀后感 篇14
When I heard the name "Assembly", I felt very funny and felt as if it was the name of a ship. But when I watched the film again, I couldn't laugh. I couldn't help being lost in thought. If time can be reversed, and all of us self-righteous people will be brought to the battlefield of Wenhe River, then what will happen?
Maybe none of us here will answer this question, but it does exist. In such a difficult environment and in such a hail of bullets, if you are the company commander Gu Zidi, if you are a soldier Jiang Maocai, if you are a member of the Ninth Company, do you still think you will have the expectation of survival? Will you fight until the assembly horn blows?
Don't think, don't say, we acquiesced, we can't. But they can, but our soldiers of the ninth company can! They are soldiers, they have infinite loyalty to the troops, and they have infinite care for their comrades. On the battlefield, they will never abandon every brother who depends on life and death. They would rather die than share their fate with their comrades, just like the tears of Jiang Maocai (Wang Baoqiang) in the play. At that moment, I believe that all the people present will feel bitter for it!
It is really necessary for us to talk about the nine companies and the forty-seven heroic martyrs who died for our country. Yes, they are soldiers, and the soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, just as the head of the regiment said: "As long as the trumpets of the assembly don't blow, they will fight the last one, and they will fight on!" They know that they will sacrifice themselves, but they will never retreat. Hero? What is a hero? They are heroes! The soul is selfless, without tears or regrets. There is only a piece of blood spread all over the battlefield. For the country, the nation and the people, they are all dead. They would rather die vigorously than live in a cowardly way. They exchanged their lives and blood for our happy life today, and our martyrs were able to close their eyes.