- 相關推薦
What kind of idea is what kind of the future; What kind of idea is what kind of results.
2 、堅持正確的方法會成功到底,堅持錯誤的方法會失敗到底。
Adhere to the correct method will be successful in the end, insist error method will fail it.
Calm down and do what you should do well, the good work!
4 、不要只因一次失敗,就放棄像原來決心想達到的目的。
Do not, for one repulse, give up like the purpose that resolved to effect.
5 、成功的人,從不炫耀眼前的名利,而是牢記背后的辛酸。
Successful people, never to show off in front of fame and wealth, but keep in mind the bitterness of behind.
6 、人生那么短,我們有什么理由不快樂!
Life is so short, we have what reason not happy!
7 、還記得最初的夢想嗎?那就努力吧。
Remember the original dream? Efforts to it for you.
8 、自信不是相信自己強,而是相信自己會變強。
Confidence is not strong to believe in yourself, but believe that you will be stronger.
Action is a cure for the fear, and hesitation delay will continue to nourish the fear.
1 0 、我們這支球隊就是為了要奪取總冠軍而存在的。
We this team is to win a championship.
1 1、松軟的沙灘上最容易留下腳印。鉭也最容易被潮水抹去。
Soft sand are most likely to leave footprints. Tantalum is also the most easy to erase the tide.
1 2、讓我們用自信的笑臉,去迎接人生的挫折,用百倍的勇毅去戰勝一切不幸。
Let's smiling face, with confidence to meet life's setbacks, with one hundred times of yong yi to fight all the misfortune.
1 3、不是山,卻需要攀登的是人生;不是淵,卻需要跨越的是自己。
Is not a mountain, but need to climb is life; Is not deep, but is we need to overcome yourself.
1 4、無須匆忙,該來的總會來,在對的時間,和對的人,因為對的理由。
No need to rush, who is coming will come, at the right time, and for the people, because of the reason.
1 5、人首先要認識自己,然后做自己的事走自己的路。
People must first know yourself, and then do their own things to go its own way.
1 6、實現夢想比睡在床上的夢想更燦爛。
Dream dream more brilliant than sleep in a bed.
1 7、應知學問難,在乎點滴勤。
Should know learning is difficult, care about a little often.
1 8、只為成功找方法不為失敗找理由。
Only to find a successful way not excuses for failure.
Confidence is the master of the fate.
2 0、及時當勉勵,歲月不待人。生命不止,奮斗不息。
When encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man. Cease to struggle and you cease to life.
2 1、美不是出現在自己的鏡子里,而是出現在別人的眼睛里。
Beauty is not appear in the mirror, but in others' eyes.
2 2、勤奮是開啟知識大門的一把金鑰匙。
Diligence is the a golden key to knowledge.
2 3、只要內心深處存芳草人生就有不敗的春天。
As long as the heart save in life there are unbeaten in spring.
2 4、每個人的內心都充滿了魔鬼,學會控制他。
Each person's heart is full of the devil, learn to control him.
2 5、人生有太多的不一定,但一定會有一個一定的!
In life there are too many not necessarily, but there must be a certain!
2 6、逆境是達到真理的一條道路。
Adversity is a road to truth.