我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-10-01 09:14:30 演講稿 我要投稿




  尊敬的老師,親愛的同學們,大家早上好!Good morning,dear teachers and schoolmates!

  今天,我要和大家談一談“考試后的思索”。It’s my great honor to share the selfreflection of the midterm examination with you.

  緊張的期中考試已經結束,大家都非常關心自己的考試成績。但是,大家有沒有想過,分數的背后,還隱藏著許多的內容呢?Since the midterm examination is over, everyone is very concerned about their test scores. However,have you ever thought about the reasons behind it ?

  一次考試,可以檢測我們的學習效果,也能發現我們學習上的不足與缺陷。那么如何對我們的.考試進行正確的分析和反思呢?One examination can detect the learning effect , and it can also help us find our learning deficiencies and defects . So how do you analyse and reflect on our examination correctly?

  首先,要對考試中的失誤或錯誤進行認真分析,反思自己平時的學習態度和習慣。First of all, we need a careful analysis of errors or mistakes in the exam and reflect on our usual learning attitudes and habits .

  “態度決定一切”,反思自己平常聽課是否認真,回答問題是否積極,作業完成的質量如何,老師的要求有沒有做到?學習態度端正了,再找找學習方法是否得當。As we know," attitude is everything" .Please reflect on our activities in class and often ask ourselves “Do I reach the requirements of our teachers ? ”If you have a good learning attitude ,you should look for the proper method to learn.

  第二,“細節決定成敗”,如果考試中你總是審題時看錯題目的條件或書寫時丟三落四,顯然是你平時就缺乏專注、頑強的意志力、踏實嚴謹的學習習慣。 We often say,“the devil's in the detail”. If you are always making mistakes when read the topic of test or do the exercises ,obviously you usually lack of focus ,tenacious willpower and rigorous study habits .

  其次,確立新的學習目標。Secondly, we should establish a new learning objectives .

  因為一次考試并不是句號,更不是人生的全部。我們要從暫時的喜悅或沮喪中走出來,勝不驕,敗不餒,及時調整自己,為下一次考試早作準備。Because an examination is neither a full stop , nor everything of our life . We must come out from the temporary joy or frustration ;never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat and adjust ourselves to make early preparations for the next exam .

  文學大師冰心告誡我們:“成功的花,人們驚羨她現時的明艷!然而當初她的芽兒,浸透著奮斗的淚泉,灑遍了犧牲的血雨。”The literary master Bing Xin said , “we always admire the beauty of flowers but its sprout was watered by tears of struggle and rained by blood of sacrifice”

  期中考試之后又是一個新的起點,春種一粒粟,秋收萬顆籽,讓我們從現在起開始努力吧!The midterm exam is a another new starting point.We sow the seeds of hope in the spring ,and in the fall we will reap a bumper harvest .Boys and girls, let's start it up from now on !

  我的演講到此結束!謝謝大家!That’s all.Thank you!











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