
發布時間:2017-07-19  編輯:admin 手機版

1、 我保證:遵守比賽組委會所有規則和服從一切裁決。
2、 我保證對自己的參賽器材、裝備及個人所有物品負有全部責任。

保證人簽字:           年  月  日

letter of guarantee for competitors

i guarantee the following during my participation in this triathlon competttion:
1. iguarantee toobserve all the rules by theorganizing committee of thecompetition and obey all theadjudication.
2. i guarantee to take fullresponsibility for my competition implements, equipment and personal belongings.
3. i have fully understood thedanger which may arise duringthe continuous and strenuouscompetition  guarantee that myhealth condition is fit for thecompetition and i possess arecent health certificate.
4. i guarantee not to raiseany objection to the way ofemergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.
5. i myself, my family members, relatives andmy guardian have fully understoodthe content and significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsoccessors will not bring asuit against the organizing commtteeof the competition for myinjury, illness, death and sequela nomatter what the cause may be, duringmy participmon in the competitionand in the activmes related tothe competition. the insurance companywill be responsible for the loss. no damages will be offered by theorganizing committee of thecompetition.
6. i guarantee that the organizeeof the competition can use myname and the photo of mefreely in relation to thecompetition. i recognize thecommercialization of the news report, radio broadcast and televisionbroadcast in relation to thecompetition.
7 .i guarantee that i shall accept thedecision made by the organizingcommittee of the competition asto the cost which arises fromthe cancellation of the competitionor the changes of competitiontime and content due toobjective cause,such as naturalcalanity owing to personal conditonwhich prevents me from taking  part in the competition, norefund will be demanded by meon the various i have paidfor the competition.
8. i acknowledge that i fullyunderstand all the  abovementionedassurances for the competition. i alsoacknowledge that the organizingcommittee of the competition hasthe right to interpret thisletter of guarantee i  signmy name of my own accord .

signatureofguarantor                 date

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