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  她們四個性格是截然不同的。梅格 16歲,喬 15歲,貝絲 14歲,艾美 12歲。梅格,豐腴,美艷,有吸引力,艷羨華美衣裙,做家教。喬,有一頭秀美的頭發,總是手忙腳亂,大大咧咧,為人真誠,可是性格強,脾氣不怎么好,經常把事情弄得雪上加霜,像個小男孩,愛寫東西,在做護理。貝絲,很可愛,靦腆,最招人喜愛了。細聲細氣,文文靜靜的.,從來不生氣。怪不得大家叫她“小乖乖”。她喜歡蜷縮在自己的快樂世界中,只有遇到她喜歡信任的人,她才會扯著膽子走出來,她很同情那些娃娃,像帶小baby一樣,給它們添置衣服啊什么的。與此同時,她酷愛音樂,愛彈鋼琴。她很易于滿足。艾美,是最小的,老是一副矜持的淑女模樣,眼熱綠松石戒指,想到羅馬去當藝術家,畫畫,成為世界上最棒的大師。勞倫斯小男孩,16歲,在很小的時候就失去了父母,他的爺爺把他帶大。再沒認識馬奇家女孩之前,他憂郁,不快樂,與爺爺的關系也不好,因為爺爺為了留住他,不讓他做許多他想做的事情。他有錢,但是并不炫耀,他還很熱情。后來變成了一個很陽光的男孩。馬奇太太,一個很英明的媽媽,她任由她的孩子們去一一經歷生活中的喜怒哀樂,希望孩子們都真實地體驗自己的生命,而不是去復制上一代人的歷史。她希望她的女兒美麗,能干,善良,受人愛慕和尊重,青春時代很幸福,過上有益而快樂的生活,沒有憂慮,沒有悲愁。她會經常地鼓勵孩子們,這鼓勵是多少金錢都換不來的。同時她熱愛自己的祖國,為了祖國,在許多的壓力下,她鼓勵丈夫參戰,從不后悔。她一直都在學習,學習如何給孩子們樹立榜樣。

  起初,每一個小女孩都有著自己的那份虛榮,可是在經歷了很多事后,她們漸漸成長。她們明白什么是真正的幸福。她們每個人都有自己的空中樓閣,有著屬于自己的小小愿望。在她們看來,家是她們的生長之地, 又是神圣的避難場所。她們會仔細聆聽母親的教誨,會用自己靈巧的雙手與聰慧的大腦發明一個又一個富有創意同時又能美化心靈的游戲。



  梅格、喬、貝思、艾米她們四個堅強與微笑存在我的腦海中,提醒著我, 要堅強,要有一顆純潔的善良的心,同時也告訴我們如何處理好家庭關系。從她們身上,我想我更要學會堅強,學會要懂得知足,要加倍珍惜所擁有的,不要等到失去了才知道它們的難能可貴。要把每一次的離別都當做是永別,誠心待人。就像這句話說的:“不要因為逝去的流星而流淚,不然你又要錯過了”。應該細心發現每個人的優點而不是帶上了有色眼睛只看到別人的缺點。要對未來永遠充滿希望,并努力追逐自己的夢想。讓自己成為一個獨立,堅強,上進的人。成為真正的“小婦人”。

  The Feelings of Little women

  Today, i have read the book "Little Women" 。The deepest feeling is it is simple to be happy!

  Happiness is kinship, friendship, health, labor and peace of mind。 Having it, people just feel normal。But when losting it, people perhaps will find that it can not be replaced by anything in the world! Ordinary is great!

  Every night before going to sleep, I want to carry it to read, lying in the bed, holding it in my hand until falling asleep。 The book is still next to me when I wake up the next moring。This is what I want。 This is the first book I love so much to read, because I like to look into the past from the childhood, I can find my own shadow, my own growth process。 In the book, I can forget the sadness as a child can put it all behind。

  This book was written by the United States Louisa·May·Alcott。 This book can be regarded as a family biography to read, but it is not about the adults' struggle but the growth of the children, telling them how to become mature from a naive, from vulnerable to suffering, from urgent to patient, from self to others。 The book is a lively splash everywhere, the young man's innocence, purity, courage and vision for the future。 They are really impressive。

  They four characters were completely different。 Meg was16, Jo was15, Beth was14 , Amy was12。

  Meg was beautiful, attractive。And she envied dress。She did tuloring to help the family。

  Joe had a eautiful hair, and she was always running around in circles and had a strong personality。Though she often maked things worse, had a bad temper and did something like a boy,she was sincere。She loved writing and she helped family by doing nursing。

  Beth,loved by most people, was very cute and shy。She was very quiet and never be angry。 There was no wonder that we all call her "little baby。" She liked to curl up in her own happy world。And only when she met people she trust in,she would be pulled out timid。Se was very sympathetic to the dolls,and she treated them as small baby by helping them make up new clothes。At the same time,she loved playing the piano。 She was very easy to satisfy。

  Amy, was the smallest among their four,looked like a young lady。She wanted o be an artist and become the world's greatest master。

  Lawrence was 16 years old。he lost his parent when he was a little boy。He was brought up by his grandfather。Not willing to lost his grandson,Mr Lawrence avoided him doing a lot of things he want to do。So he lived a sad and unhappy life with his grangfather and were not on good terms with each other before he knew those four girls。He had a lot of money,however,he did not show it off。He was very enthusiastic and he became a sunny boy。

  Mrs Marchi was a wise mother。She allowed her children to experience through the joys and sorrows of life and hoped her children to experience their lives instead of copy the history of generation。She hoped her children would be beautiful, talented, kind, loved and respected by the people。She would encourage children。She loved their country。To their motherland ,she encouraged her husband to the war and never regreted it。She had been learning how to set an example to the children。

  At first,every little girl had their share of vanity。However,after going through a lot,they gradually growed。They understand what is true happiness。Each of them had their own castles in the air and their little aspirration。In their view,family was their place of growth and refuge。They would listen carefully to their mother,would use their skillful hands and clever brain to creat the beauty of life and would beautify their soul。

  Some people said,four sisters growing up was like a richest interesting educating poem。The author used normal language to show us the great humam family,friendship and love。In the eyes of four sisters,the happiest thing was they could live with those who they loved forever。Indeed,In my opinion,this is also my greatest happiness。

  They were very hard woking and they helped the home to support the family by doing various things。They were busy but they did not lack of the luster of life。Once each of them had been lost,regreted,and puzzled,but anyway,they grew up。They were innocent and had no bad opinions。After experiencing a series of trials and life to death,they gradually said goodbye to their childish and became mature。They helped each other ,loved each other,and became a group of little women who could stir up the burdens of life。

  Their smile is in my mind,remembering me to be strong,to have a pure heart。They also tell us how to deal with family relationship。From them,I think I have to learn to be strong,learn how to be content and learn how to cherish what we have。Do not undershand their valuable after we lose them。We should treat others sincerely and regard every parting as forever parting。Just as the saying goes,do not cry for the past meteors,or you will miss the others。We should be careful to find others advantages。We should have hopes to the future and set our own goals and then strive to reach them。Allow ourselves to be an independent,strong and motivated people。Just be a real little woman!

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