- 相關推薦
1、追求卓越,成就非凡 Pursue excellence, achieve extraordinary
2、團結一心,其利斷金 United as one, we can break gold
3、創新無限,引領未來 Innovation knows no bounds, leading the future
4、誠信為本,品質至上 Integrity as the foundation, quality first
5、攜手共進,共創輝煌 Work hand in hand, create brilliance together
6、細節決定成敗 Details determine success or failure
7、高效執行,使命必達 Execute efficiently, mission accomplished
8、積極進取,永不滿足 Be proactive and never satisfied
9、合作共贏,共享未來 Win-win cooperation, share the future
10、持續改進,追求完美 Continuous improvement, pursuit of perfection
11、勇于挑戰,突破自我 Dare to challenge, break through oneself
12、以人為本,和諧發展 People-oriented, harmonious development
13、專業專注,精益求精 Professional focus, keep improving
14、尊重差異,包容多元 Respect differences, embrace diversity
15、開拓進取,勇往直前 Forge ahead and march bravely
16、目標明確,全力以赴 Clear goals, go all out
17、客戶至上,用心服務 Customers first, serve with heart
18、智慧凝聚,價值創造 Wisdom converges, value created
19、激情燃燒,夢想起航 Passion burns, dreams set sail
20、傳承經典,開創未來 Inherit the classics, create the future
21、攜手共進,共創輝煌 work hand in hand to create brilliance
22、創新無限,引領未來 innovation is limitless, leading the future
23、誠信為本,品質至上 integrity as the foundation, quality comes first
24、團結一心,其利斷金 unity is strength, together we can break gold
25、追求卓越,永不滿足 pursue excellence, never be satisfied
26、高效執行,使命必達 execute efficiently, mission must be accomplished
27、積極進取,開拓創新 be proactive, pioneer and innovate
28、客戶至上,服務第一 customers first, service foremost
29、用心做事,成就未來 do things with heart, achieve the future
30、持續改進,精益求精 continuous improvement, strive for perfection
31、團隊協作,互利共贏 teamwork, mutual benefit and win-win
32、勇于擔當,敢于負責 be brave to take responsibility
33、學習成長,與時俱進 learn and grow, keep pace with the times
34、目標明確,勇往直前 clear goals, go forward bravely
35、質量是命,品牌是魂 quality is life, brand is the soul
36、專注細節,鑄就品質 focus on details, create quality
37、開拓進取,追求突破 be enterprising, pursue breakthroughs
38、信息共享,協同發展 information sharing, collaborative development
39、追求卓越,成就未來 Pursue excellence, achieve the future
40、攜手共進,共創輝煌 Work together to create brilliance
41、創新無限,引領前沿 Innovation is limitless, leading the forefront
42、團結一心,其利斷金 United as one, with irresistible strength
43、客戶至上,服務先行 Customers first, service foremost
44、精益求精,追求完美 Keep improving, strive for perfection
45、知識共享,共同成長 Knowledge sharing, growing together
46、高效執行,使命必達 Execute efficiently, fulfill the mission
47、擁抱變化,迎接挑戰 Embrace change and meet challenges
48、尊重差異,和諧共生 Respect differences, harmonious coexistence
49、持續學習,不斷進步 Continuous learning, continuous progress
50、敬業奉獻,鑄就輝煌 Dedication and devotion, create brilliance
51、合作共贏,互利互惠 Win-win cooperation, mutual benefit
52、開拓進取,追求卓越 Be pioneering and enterprising, pursue excellence
53、以人為本,關愛員工 People-oriented, care for employees
54、團結一心,其利斷金 United we stand, divided we fall
55、敬業奉獻,成就夢想 Dedicate to work, achieve dreams
56、尊重差異,協同共贏 Respect differences, collaborate for win-win
57、持續學習,不斷進步 Keep learning, keep progressing
58、客戶滿意,我們追求 Customer satisfaction is our pursuit
59、團隊協作,力量無窮 Teamwork makes the dream work
60、勇于挑戰,超越自我 Dare to challenge, surpass oneself
61、求真務實,穩健前行 Be practical and realistic, move forward steadily
62、質量第一,信譽至上 Quality first, reputation foremost
63、開放包容,合作共贏 Open and inclusive, win-win cooperation
64、用心做事,用情待人 Do things with heart, treat people with affection
65、遠見卓識,引領潮流 Foresight and vision, leading the trend
66、夢想起航,成就未來 Dreams set sail, achieve the future
67、持續改進,追求完美 Continuous improvement, the pursuit of perfection
68、開拓進取,勇往直前 Forge ahead, go forward bravely
69、積極向上,樂觀進取 Positive attitude, optimistic and enterprising
70、尊重差異,包容多樣 Respect differences, embrace diversity
71、溝通無限,合作共贏 Unlimited communication, win-win cooperation
72、質量第一,信譽至上 Quality first, reputation first
73、責任在心,擔當在行 Responsibility in mind, action in hand
74、突破自我,超越極限 Break through yourself, exceed the limit
75、分享智慧,共同成長 Share wisdom, grow together
76、客戶滿意,我們的追求 Customer satisfaction, our pursuit
77、樓樓可現,家家聽見building floor can now, every heard
78、小企業做事,大企業做人do small businesses, large enterprise as a person
79、永遠戰戰兢兢,永遠如履薄冰always trembled and always skating on thin ice
80、心有多大,舞臺就有多大the heart has how old, big stage
81、資源是會枯竭的,文化是生生不息的resources are going to dry up, culture is a perennial
82、專業進取,尊愛至誠,鍥而不舍professional forging ahead, and sincere love, perseverance
83、堅持誠信,注重業績,渴望變革adhere to honesty, and to pay attention to the performance, the desire for change
84、不學習的人,實際上是在先擇落后dont study, is actually prior choice of lag behind
85、大事講原則,小事講風格great things about principles, small speaking style
86、以人為本,心德為先it is with the person this, the hearts first
87、海納百川,厚積薄發all rivers run into sea, well-grounded
88、沒有最好,只有更好there is no best, only better
89、要有好的灌溉,才有好的成果to have a good irrigation, just have good results
90、和傳統的昨天告別,向規范的未來邁進to have a good irrigation, just have good results
91、為自己養成一個好習慣,給別人留下一個好印象for themselves to develop a good habit, give other people make a good impression
92、科技是第一生產力,人才是第一資源science and technology is the first productive force, the people are the first resource
93、塑造人的品質,建立管理根基shaping the quality, establish management foundation
94、有一分耕耘,就有一分收獲have no pains, no gains
95、顧客滿意是企業永恒的追求Customer satisfy is the eternal pursue of corporation.
96、團結一條心,石頭變成金unity of a mind, stone into gold
97、因為有我,所以會更好because of me, so will be better
98、態度決定一切,細節決定成敗attitude decides everything, detail decides success or failure
99、只有勇于承擔責任,才能承擔更大的責任only dare to take responsibility, can take more responsibility
100、合格的員工從嚴格遵守開始qualified employees from strictly abide by the start
101、責任是質量的保證、質量是企業的生命Responsibility is the assurence of quality, and quailty is the life of corporation.
102、追求客戶滿意,是你我的責任pursuit of customer satisfaction, is you my responsibility
103、只有不完美的產品,沒有挑剔的客戶only not perfect products, no captious customers
104、培育禮儀員工,創造團隊精神cultivation manners employees, create the team spirit
105、每天進一步,踏上成功路further every day, success on the way
106、寧可因高目標而脖子硬,也不要為低目標而駝背because of high goals and neck rather than hard, and do not be low target and stoop
107、轉變觀念轉變作風,讓企業文化生生不息change the idea transformation attitude, let enterprise culture endless
108、以質量求生存、以信譽求發展、以管理求效益Survive by quality, development by credit, and effciency by management.
109、杜絕不良思想,發揚優質精神stop bad ideas, to carry forward the spirit of high quality
110、會而不議 議而不決 決而不行 這樣的會議是屬最浪費的行動will not negotiate discuss without decisions made and no such a conference is the most waste of the action
111、找方法才能成功,找借口只有失敗find a way to be successful, find an excuse only failure
112、行動是成功的開始,等待是失敗的源頭action is the start of success, the waiting is the failure of the source
113、細節決定成敗、勤奮成就人生Details determine success or failure, and diligance creats life.
114、客戶易失難得the customer is volatile rare
115、有品質才有市場、有改善才有進步Only quality posesses market, and improvement gets progress.
116、以企為校 以企為家 相互學習 相互關懷to stand for the school to stand for the home care each other and learn from each other
117、心態正,事業成,不成也成attitude is, career into, no also into
118、事不三思總有敗,人能百忍自無憂things dont think carefully before you always have defeated, one can endure the since the pillow
119、得意時應善待他們,失意時你會需要他們prosperity should be good, upset youll need them
120、生活因拼搏而存在,拼搏因生活而永恒because of hard work and life exists, and fighting for life, and forever