我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-06-26 22:36:16 秀雯 標語口號 我要投稿
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  1、為了你和家人的幸福,請您注意安全!Safety Depends on You,Your Family Depends on You

  2、一人違章,眾人遭殃!Everyone has to Suffer Due to Someones Violation!

  3、生產必須安全,安全促進生產!Safety in Production Promote Productivity!

  4、寧可千日慎重,不可一日大意!Dont Be Careless,Work Safety at All Times!

  5、知險防險不危險,不知危險最危險!Know Your Do & Dont,Ignorance is Most Hazardous!

  6、隱患險于明火,防范勝于救災,責任重于泰山!Dont Take Risk,Prevention is Better then Cure,Safety is the Prime Responsibilities of Everyone!

  7、一時疏忽,一生痛苦!A Moment of Careless,A Life Time of Pain.

  8、意外是可預防的!Accident Can be Prevented.

  9、整潔的現場,是安全的現場!A well-regulated Workplace is A Safe Workplace.

  10、零風險!零事故!Towards Zero Risk,Beyond Zero Disaster.

  11、火可幫人,也可傷人!Fire is a Good Servant But a Bad Master

  12、Pride comes from superficiality,recklessness comes from ignorance.

  13、高高興興上班,平平安安回家。Go to work happily,go home safe and sound.

  14、安全知識,讓你化險為夷。Safety knowledge,let you change danger into safety.

  15、只有防而不實,沒有防不勝防。It is not only the case,not impossible to guard against.

  16、安全第一、質量為本。Safety first,quality based.

  17、氣泄于針孔,禍始于違章。Gas leaks in the pinhole,and disaster begins with violation of regulations.

  18、安全人人抓,幸福千萬家。Everyone is safe,happiness is ten million.

  19、安全生產,重在預防。Safety production,focusing on prevention.

  20、內強職工素質,外樹交通形象。Strengthen the quality of staff and build a traffic image outside.

  21、一點不差,差一點不行。Its not bad at all.

  22、思想松一松,事故攻一攻。Thought of a pine,accident attack attack.


  24、安全生產,違法必究。Production safety,law breakers must be prosecuted.

  25、想要無事故,須下苦功夫。If you want no accident,you must work hard.57、小洞不補,大洞吃苦。

  26、A big hole in hardship.

  27、把握安全,擁有明天。Grasp safety,have tomorrow.

  28、生產再忙,安全不忘。Production is busy,safety is not forgotten.

  29、完善質量體系、強化工程質量。Improve the quality system and strengthen the quality of the project.

  30、科學管理、精心施工。Scientific management and careful construction.

  31、思想走了神,事故瞬間生。The thought is gone,the accident is instantaneous.

  32、生命至高無上,安全責任為天。Life is paramount,safety responsibility is sky.

  33、不怕千日緊,只怕一時松。Not afraid of thousands of days tight,just a moment loose.

  34、只有大意吃虧,沒有小心上當。Only careless,not careful fooled.

  35、隱患險于明火,防范勝于救災。Hidden danger in naked fire,prevention is better than disaster relief.

  36、制度不全,事故難免。The system is incomplete and accidents are unavoidable.

  37、班前飲了酒,獨木橋上走。Drink the wine before class,walk on the plank bridge.

  38、事故出于麻痹,安全來于警惕。The accident because of paralysis,security to guard against.

  39、小蟲蛀大梁,隱患釀事端。Small moth eaten girder,hidden trouble brewing incident.

  40、安全靠規章,嚴守不能忘。Safety depends on rules and regulations and should not be forgotten.

  41、遵章守紀光榮,違章違紀可恥。Zunzhangshouji glorious,shameful violation.

  42、小心無大錯,粗心鑄大過。Be careful not to blunder,carelessness is greater than carelessness.

  43、安全一萬天,事故一瞬間。Safety ten thousand days,accident moment.

  44、樹名牌意識、創精品工程。Tree brand awareness,create quality project.

  45、治病要趁早,安全要抓小。Treat as early as possible,safe to catch small.

  46、嚴把質量關、寬廣企業路。Strict quality control,broad enterprise road.

  47、安全保健康,千金及不上。Safety and health,and not the daughter.

  48、在崗一分鐘,安全六十秒。One minute on duty,sixty seconds for safety.

  49、百年大計、質量第一。Project,quality first.

  50、疏忽一時,痛苦一世。A moment of neglect,a lifetime of pain.

  51、幸福是棵樹,安全是沃土。Happiness is a tree,safety is fertile soil.

  52、安全生產,人人有責。Production safety responsibility.

  53、No admission 禁止入內

  54、Children under five years no admittance 五歲以下兒童,禁止入內

  55、Admission by invitation only 非請莫入

  56、No admittance except on business 非公莫入

  57、Inspection declined 謝絕參觀

  58、Hands off 請勿觸摸

  59、Queue here for tickets在此排隊購票

  60、Tickets cannot be changed or money refunded 票經售出,概不退換

  61、Admission free 免費入場

  62、Ticket holders only 憑票入場

  63、Seat by number 對號入座

  64、Way in 由此入內

  65、Way out 由此外出

  66、Visitors not admitted 游客止步

  67、Cameras are forbidden 禁止拍照

  68、No passing 禁止通行

  69、Full house 客滿

  70、The way to ……..此路通往…..

  71、No thoroughfare 此路不通

  72、Keep to the path 請走人行道

  73、No pass ,no passage 無通行證者,不得通過

  74、Toll free 免費通行

  75、Road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行

  76、Road up detour 前方施工,請繞行

  77、Caution :road up 注意:翻修馬路

  78、One way traffic 單行道

  79、No turn 嚴禁轉彎

  80、Consecutive curves 連續轉彎

  81、Keep right 靠右行駛

  82、Reduced speed now 減速行駛

  83、Keep space 保持車距

  84、No overtaking 嚴禁超車

  85、No honking 禁止鳴喇叭

  86、Dogs not allowed 禁止攜犬入內

  87、Keep off the grass 勿踏草地

  88、No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾

  89、No scribbling 禁止涂寫

  90、Post no bills 禁止招貼

  91、Bathing and fishing prohibited 禁止游泳 釣魚

  92、Wet paint 油漆未干

  93、Keep it dry 切勿受潮

  94、Guard against damp 防潮

  95、Keep cool 保持冷藏

  96、No hooking 禁止用手鉤

  97、Keep upright 切勿倒置

  98、Do not turn upside down 切勿傾倒

  99、Stand on end 豎立放置

  100、This side up 此端向上

  101、Light cargo on top 輕貨放在上面

  102、Handle with care 小心輕放

  103、Compensation for damage 損害賠償

  104、Danger ,high voltage 高壓危險

  105、Danger ,keep out 切勿入內

  106、Beware of dangers 提防危險

  107、Beware of pickpockets 小心扒手

  108、Replace the newspaper after reading 報紙閱后,放回原處

  109、Shut the door behind you 隨手關門

  110、Lost and found 失物招領

  111、Luggage depository 行李存放處

  112、Business hours 營業時間

  113、Office hours 辦公時間

  114、I. Road and Traffic 公路和交通

  115、Approaching end of motorway 即將駛出高速。Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。 Dangerous bend 彎道危險

  116、Diverted traffic 交叉路口

  117、Entry to motorway 高速入口

  118、Left junction 左交叉口

  119、Look left (right) 向左(右)看。

  120、Low bridge ahead 前方橋低。

  121、New hours of parking control 停車控制新時段 No entry 禁止駛人

  122、No stopping at any time 任何時間不準停車 No thoroughfare 禁止通行

  123、No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未經允許貨車禁止通行。

  124、Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行橫道。 Pedestrian crossing 人行橫道 Please drive carefully 請小心駕駛。

  125、Road closed 此路封閉

  126、Slow, school 前方學校請慢行。

  127、Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小時48公里

  128、The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法規要求系安全帶。

  129、This vehicle stops frequently 隨時停車 II.

  130、Car and Parking 汽車和停車

  131、Car park front and rear.前后停車

  132、Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未經允許在此停車將被拖走 Guests car park 來客停車場

  133、Limited parking 停車位有限

  134、No parking constantly in use 此處經常使用,禁止停車。

  135、No parking except for loading. 除裝貨外,禁止停車。

  136、No parking in front of this gate 門前禁止停車 No parking in use 24 hours a day 此處24小時使用,禁止停車。

  137、No parking or materials in front of doors 門前不準停車或堆放雜物。

  138、Parking for taxis only 只準許出租停。

  139、Parking permitted 允許停車

  140、Please do not park in front of the barrier 請不要在護攔前停車。

  141、Safety first, prevention first.

  142、There is nothing to watch out for.

  143、Safety is saving, safety is life.

  144、Everyone is safe, everyone is safe.

  145、Strict quality and excellent production.

  146、Care for life, pay attention to safety.

  147、Everyone is safe, and everyone is safe.

  148、Cadres loose inch, worker loose one foot.

  149、Safety production, focusing on prevention.

  150、Everyone is safe, happiness is ten million.

  151、Go to work happily, go home safe and sound.

  152、Safety every day, production is guaranteed.

  153、Safety in management, management in cadres.

  154、Dedication in post, satisfaction in traffic.

  155、Security treasure, dont forget to work.

  156、Labor creates wealth, safety brings happiness.

  157、Scientific management and construction standard.

  158、Life is treasure, health is the most important.

  159、One man breaks the rules, and everyone suffers.

  160、To implement a measure is better than ten slogans.

  161、Only paralysis, loss, not wary of being fooled.

  162、Diseases from mouth to mouth, accidents from loose.

  163、Security to guard against accidents due to paralysis.

  164、Spread safety culture and publicize safety knowledge.

  165、The accident is not difficult, mainly to the rules.

  166、Dont know not Chengneng, accidents do not come.

  167、Safety in order to produce, production must be safe.

  168、Safety knowledge, let you change danger into safety.

  169、Danger, keep to the concept of all-time preparedness.

  170、Production must be safe and safe to promote production.

  171、Treatment should be early, except for slight illness.

  172、If you use it correctly, there will be fewer accidents.

  173、For home, for the country, security must bear in mind.

  174、Check erroneous ideas at the outset, alarm bells ringing.

  175、It is not only the case, not impossible to guard against.

  176、Loopholes do not fill, the accident is difficult to plug.

  177、You must not forget the danger, and you must not forget it.

  178、Seek fast, do not seek good, accidents often come to find.

  179、Always pay attention to safety, prevent accidents everywhere.

  180、Good steel depends on forging, safety should be strictly grasp.











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