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時間:2022-09-15 16:06:39 語文百科 我要投稿
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  一、通讀全文,掌握大意(main idea)


  有些考生拿起文章便讀,甚至逐字逐句翻譯,結果讀了很長時間卻不知道作 者寫了什么,且不斷地復視, 唯恐遺忘,這種讀法耗時長,效率低。事實上, 當我們在答閱讀理解試題時,應該先通讀試題(不包括選項) ,弄清考查點, 做到心中有數,然后有針對性地通覽全文,從整體上掌握大意,這是快速閱讀中 非常重要的一 步。在通覽時,我們應該學會找出中心句(topic sentence),它 是用來闡述文章主題,說明作者觀點的句子 ,中心句多數位于段首或段尾,有 時也位于文中。因此,在閱讀時應注意文章的兩頭。找到了中心句,也就基 本 上理解了文章的大意,以此為線索,采用掠讀或掃讀的方法,迅速找出能夠支持 中心句的關鍵詞、句,在腦 海中形成文章的框架,然后根據試題,進行部分細 節閱讀,這種閱讀速度便會大大加快。例如NMET97閱讀理解 B 篇短文如下:

  In the 1930s,a lot of people in the USA were out of work.Among these people was a man named Alfred Butts. He alwayshad an interest in word games and so, to fill his time, heplanned a game which he called #39;Lexico#39;. However, he was notcompletely satisfied with the game,so he made a number ofchanges to it and,in time,changed its name from #39;Lexico#39; to#39;Alph#39; and th en to #39;Criss Cross#39;.He wanted to make some moneyfrom his new game but he didn#39;t have any real c ommercial(商業性 的)success.

  In 1939,Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunotwho showed an interest in the new game. The two men workedtogether on developing the game and in 1948 it was offered forsale i n the United States under its new name——#39;Scrabble#39;.

  At first,it didn#39;t sell very well.In the first year itsold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 i t had only reached 8, 500sets a year.

  Then,in 1952 the manager of Macy#39;s department store inNew York.Jack Strauss,happened to play #39;Scrabble#39; while hewas on holiday,he thought it was a wonderful game and , whenhe wen t back to work after his holiday,he insisted the Macy#39;sshould stock(儲備)the game and make an effort (努力)tocall the public#39;s attention to it.

  As a result,#39;Scrabble#39; became a big success in the UnitedStates and it soon spread to Aus tralia and then to otherEnglish-speaking countries.

  1.The text is mainly about__________.

  A.#39;Lexico#39; B.three men C.a word game D.Alfred Butts

  2.Alfred Butts invented the game #39;Lexico#39;________.

  A.to make himself famous B.to make spelling simpler C.when he was out of work and looking for a job D.when he was playing word games to pass the time

  3.Who made #39;Scrabble#39; pouplar?

  A.Alfred Butts. B.Jack Strauss. C.Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot. D.Jack Strauss and Jim Brunot.

  4.When did Alfred Butts first put his game on the market?

  A.In 1939. B.In 1948. C.Before 1939. D.Between 1939 and 1948.


  (1)out of work—Alfred Butts—interested in word games (2)after 1939—develop the game—for sale (3)not sell well by 1951 (4)in 1952—Jack Strauss —call public#39;s attention —became a big success

  文章屬記敘文體,敘述了文字游戲一“Scrabble"的起源發展及成功的歷史, 作者以時間為順序,思路清 楚,考生若能掌握以上大意,結合試題,不僅解題 速度提高了,而且準確率也大大提高。

  答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C


  在閱讀理解試題中, 我們常常會遇到這樣的一些題目, 如:"What can you infer from the pas sage? ""What#39;s the impliedmeaning of the underlined word?""What do you think of...?"這些問題 均屬于深層理解,它們的答案 不是在文章的原句中可以找到的。因此,我們必須根據已知的內容仔細推敲文章 中相關的詞、句及段落之間的邏輯關系,找出能支持作者觀點的關鍵詞并注意一 些詞在特殊語言環境下的特殊 意義,然后推斷出文段中未直接寫出的含義,理 解作者的寫作意圖,得出正確的結論。


  America is growing older.Fifty years ago, only 4 out ofevery 100 people in the United Sta tes were 65 or older. Today,10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of thepopula tion will affect American society in many ways —education, medicine, and business. Quie tly, the graying ofAmerica has made us a very different society —one inwhich people have a q uite different idea of what kind ofbehavior is suitable at various ages.

  A person#39;s age no longer tells you anything abouthis/her social position,marriage or health.There#39;s no longera particular year in which one goes to school or goes to workor gets married or starts a family.The social clock that keptus on time and told us when to go to scho ol,get a job,or stopworking isn#39;t as strong as it used to be.It doesn#39;t surpriseus to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35- year-old grandmother,or a 70-year-old man who has b ecome a fatherfor the first time.Public ideas are changing.

  Many people say,#39;I am much younger than my mother—or myfather—was at my age.#39;No one says #39; Act your age#39; any more.We#39;ve stopped looking with surprise at older people who actin youth ful ways.

  1.It can be learnt from the text that the aging of thepopulation in America________.

  A.has made people feel younger B.has changed people#39;s social position C.has changed people#39;s understanding of age D.has slowed down the country#39;s social development

  2.The underlined word #39;one#39; refers to________.

  A.a society B.America C.a place D.population

  3."Act your age "means people should________.

  A.be active when they are old B.do the right thing at the right age C.show respect for their parents young or old D.take more physical exercise suitable to their age

  4.If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a bigfirm,the writer of the text wou ld most probably considerit_______.

  A.normal B.wonderful C.unbelievable D.unreasonable

  這是一篇以美國社會為素材的文章,作者意在突出美國人年齡觀念的改變這 一主題。四道試題均屬于深層 理解,只要我們循著作者的思路,問題就會迎刃 而解,作者第一段擺出事實"America is growing older", 然后提出這種年齡的變化"will affect American society inmany ways"—在第一段的最后提出了作者 的觀點, 也就是文章的中心句one in which people have a quite different idea of what kindof behavi or is suitable at various ages.第二、第三段作者給出了一些例子,從兩個方面即 "public ideas are changing ", "Noone says #39;Act your age#39;any more" 進一步證明中心句, 作者在字里行間將自己觀點 表現得淋漓盡致。

  Key:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A

  在閱讀中只要我們能夠循著一些由關鍵詞、句組成的文脈開掘,就不難識其 主旨,理解隱深含義。


  閱讀理解題材多樣,有日常生活、社會文化、人物、史地、政治、科技、經 濟等等,體裁不一,有記敘文 、應用文、說明文、議論文及新聞報道,考場上 考生不僅知識面要廣,閱讀理解能力要強,還必須根據文章的 體裁選擇不同的 閱讀方法,爭取最快的閱讀速度。

  例如:記敘文是用來敘述的一種文體,讀者應該把握文章的主要線索、時空 順序及人物之間的相互關系; 議論文是用來表達作者觀點的一種文體,我們應 該找出論點及論據,理解作者的寫作態度;應用文是一種實用 性與交際性很強 的文體,我們應該采用對比閱讀法,將題干與文章結合在一起閱讀;對于新聞報 道我們應該弄 清新聞事件的內容及日期、起因、經過、涉及人物及具體數字、 結果及作者的態度。根據篇章結構采用不同的 閱讀方法,閱讀理解就會輕松得 多。例如NMET97閱讀理解A篇:

  JINTAN,JLANGSU:The 20 students—18 boys and 2 girls—had athousand reasons to be proud of themselves. They had justchimbed their way to the top rung (階梯) out of 4 millionstuden ts taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng GoldCup Mathematics Contest on Tuesday eveni ng.

  The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middleschool students under the age of 1 4.

  #39;Many of the problems are of college level and thesepupils can figure them out.It is just unbelievable! #39;said ateacher from Guangdong Province.

  Named after China#39;s most famous mathematician,Hua Luogeng,the contest started in 1986, one year after his death. Inless than 10 years, it has been recognised by the StateEducati on Commission as the country#39;s biggest and bestcontest of its kind.

  1.This news story is mainly about________.

  A.when the contest started B.how the contest got its name

  C.the 20 pupils who have won gold medals in the contest D.the 5th National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup MathematicsContest

  2.This news story most probably appeared in a newspaperin__________.

  A.1986 B.1987 C.1995 D.1997

  3.It can be inferred from the text that the teacher fromGuangdong Province_________.

  A.felt proud of the gold medal winners B.wondered if the students were honest C.thought that the problems were too difficult for thestudents D.believed that the twenty winners could go to study atuniversity

  4. The underlined phrase #39;figure out#39; in the textmeans______. A.work out B.add up C.guess D.study

  這是一篇關于第五屆華羅庚金杯數學競賽的報道,試題涉及新聞本身內容及 出版日期,說話者的態度及詞 義猜測,文章開始報道20名中、小學生名列前茅, 然后借一教師之口,寫出試卷難度及說話者對中學生的敬佩 之情,最后一段報 道華賽的起源、發展,意在突出新聞的內容是比賽,而不是20個學生獲獎。

  所以,答案非常清楚:1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A。












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