1 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。—— 董仲舒·《元光之年舉賢良對策》
Better go back and make a net than long for the fish by merely staring into the water.
2 利天下者,天下啟之;害天下者,天下閉之。——《六韜·發(fā)啟》
If you benefit the people of the world, you will attain their support. If you harm the people of the world, you will face their opposition.
3 君子之事上也,進思盡忠,退思補過。——《孝經·事君章》
In serving his sovereign the man of the talent and virtue considers how to discharge his duty faithfully while in office; when he retires, he considers how to make up for his own errors.
4 夫爭天下者,必先爭人。明大數(shù)者,得人;審小計者,失人。——《管子·霸言》
Whoever competes for the authority over the world should compete for the support of the people. The most sensible persons will win over the people. The sharp-witted but petty-minded ones will lose the support of the people.
5 人欲見其所不見,視人所不窺;欲得其所不得,修人所不為。——《列子·仲尼》
If you want to see what you cannot see, you should watch with care what is neglected by others; if you want to get what is beyond your reach, you must do what others are unwilling to do.